February 16, 2025

11 Clean & Minimalist Websites for your Inspiration

It’s easy to see that more an more designers are embracing the minimalistic approach to web design. Now there are websites that eliminate unnecessary elements and keep only what really matters, designs that are clean and intuitive, like the ones we will show here today. We have different examples of clean and minimalist websites with beautiful navigation, neat menus and nice type to keep you inspired, take a look.

Cactus for Mac

11 Clean & Minimalist Websites for your Inspiration


11 Clean & Minimalist Websites for your Inspiration

Studio Dobra

11 Clean & Minimalist Websites for your Inspiration

Mike Kus

11 Clean & Minimalist Websites for your Inspiration

Roman Kirichik

11 Clean & Minimalist Websites for your Inspiration

Darrin Higgins

11 Clean & Minimalist Websites for your Inspiration

R&Co. Design

11 Clean & Minimalist Websites for your Inspiration


11 Clean & Minimalist Websites for your Inspiration

Another Pony

11 Clean & Minimalist Websites for your Inspiration


11 Clean & Minimalist Websites for your Inspiration


11 Clean & Minimalist Websites for your Inspiration


Gisele Muller loves communication, technology, web, design, movies, gastronomy and creativity. Web writer, portuguese/english translator and co founder of @refilmagem & @mentaway Twitter: @gismullr


  1. billy bob Reply

    Another pointless article. A collection of random websites. Next time write a bit more about each example and why this site is better then million other minimalist websites on the internet.

  2. Jason Reply

    I think there is a big difference between minimalistic design with precision and design that is sloppy and only takes a fraction of the time. Thanks for the blog. Great designs none the less.

  3. Andy A Reply

    Some of them are elegant.

    But am I the only one that worries that a site such as the “Solo” site, which is trying to sell a web platform (I think) doesn’t in any way actually explain anything about itself until you scroll down about 2000px?

    Not to mention that before you get that far there’s a video, that you may not be able to watch depending on your situation, that through it’s design immediately suggests the product is for a Mac when actually it’s a cloud (and presumably) web based offering.

    Is it that hard to show a generic monitor screen? Is it that hard to both design and try to avoid elitism?

    (of course I may be wrong, I read a fair amount of that “minimalist” 10000px deep page and I’m still not absolutely sure what the product does)

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