February 10, 2025

10 Simple Copywriting Techniques That Can Boost Your Business

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If you’re running an online business or work in the online marketing field, you are most probably aware of the growing need for quality content that can attract new visitors and convert them into leads and returning customers. Continuously producing top-notch copy and using useful copywriting tips and techniques requires tremendous effort, dedication, and resources, but the investment is certainly worthwhile.

The struggle to produce good copy will pay off in the long run, as more often than not, a well-crafted message delivered to the right audience can make the difference between a flourishing business and a futureless attempt. If you were wondering how professional writers deal with the daily challenges of content creation, here are some digital copywriting  tips that could help boost your online business:

1. Do more research

To produce quality copy that sells, first you need to make sure you understand your target customer and that you use the words he wants to hear in your copy. Study your target market’s language by visiting Facebook groups, relevant forums, read reviews and blog comments. Note the words and phrases often used by your audience and use these magic phrases to produce attractive content that has higher chances to convert simple readers into buyers.

2. Set your readers free

Nobody likes being aggressively persuaded to buy a certain product. Making repeated requests for your readers to stay on the page and continue to read and/or make a purchase may cause the exact opposite reaction that you are after: your readers might quickly quit the page and give up buying your product/service. People love to have the power to choose. Therefore, make sure you include in your copy words like: “you are free to cancel your subscription at any time” or “It’s always free to cancel your booking”…

3. Ask your readers to use their imagination

Most copy is incredibly boring unless it involves the readers and makes them use their imagination. So, instead of just listing the characteristics and main benefits of your products/services, why not ask the reader to imagine how they could change their lives for the better:  they could do great things with that extra time, and they would be so much happier and healthier if they made that particular purchase.

4. Focus on a specific set of advantages

Most entrepreneurs think they are better than their competitors but often fail to present their products in a convincing way. When talking about what sets you apart from your competition, focus on specific benefits that could help customers solve their problems, particularly those that your competition does not address.

5. Don’t be afraid to show your funny side

People will be naturally attracted by funny ideas and humorous stories. So, make sure your tone of voice is cheerful and your stories entertaining. Charm your targeted public and you’ll soon see results. Of course, humor should be strategically integrated into your copy (in titles, illustrations, sidebars),  to underline certain key points. But make sure you don’t overdo it. There’s a fine line between comical and obnoxious.

6. Always repeat the most important messages

A good copywriter is a good psychologist. Based on the fact that the concepts that are heard over and over again are perceived by the human brain as being true, it is good to repeat within your copy the ideas you most want your audience to believe and remember.

7. Be spontaneous and original

To create fresh, original copy that helps you achieve your marketing goals, free yourself from copywriting formulas. That doesn’t mean you can’t have your personal style, easily recognizable by your audience, but you should always make an effort to find new ways of addressing the reader. A good way to do this is to talk to your prospects as if you were standing next to them. This way, you will focus on the audience, not on yourself and you’ll shape more engaging messages addressed directly to the reader.  

8. Use testimonials

Is there anything better than letting your happy customers do the selling? High-quality testimonials can support and even replace content sometimes. Use them wisely to convey a powerful message about your brand. Summarize long testimonials by using explanatory mini-headlines.  After all, who could convince customers better than another extremely content customer?

9. Don’t be afraid to use rhyming

Researchers noticed that ideas expressed in rhymes are more fluently processed in the human brain which may mean that sometimes we view them as more valid than other simple words and phrases. So, use rhymes and puns where possible to inform, entertain and surprise your reader in a good way.

10. Always do A/B testing

Testing headlines, call to action button copy, form copy or length of copy is a must if you want to boost your business. Every aspect that could make a big difference in your conversions is worth studying closely. Therefore, take your time to measure the effects of such changes on important metrics like time on page, bounce rate and clicks. Split tests are a great way to see which landing page converts better.  


Writing good copy has never been an easy task. Whether you choose to handle the copywriting task yourself or you hire a professional/an editorial team to do it, make sure the message is tailored to your audience.  Use the right tone of voice to grab people’s attention, convey their interest and nurture their desire to act.

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