Mozilla’s developer network includes a repository of the most common JavaScript programming terms. This refefrence guide is often used by novice-to-intermediate developers searching for a tidbit of knowledge.
But what about those to do ECMAScripting? Well a new open source webapp named answers that question nicely.
It’s a tabular website built with Google’s material design language. Three tables are split based on ES7, ES6, and ES5 syntax. You’ll find code samples and hints for JavaScript related to async functions, array prototypes, and methods of interacting with JS objects.
The site itself is bare yet highly usable. It places a focus on the content and it’s even mobile-responsive for smartphone users.
If you want to check out the source or submit a pull request you can visit the JS Features GitHub page.
Anyone should be able to clone the repository for themselves to update, append, or change any of the code guidelines. This makes a portable & highly customizable resource for developers.
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