While jQuery is easily the most popular open source JavaScript library there are many competitors. Among the many alternatives I want to focus on AngularJS. As a designer it can be tough getting into JavaScript because it might feel a little bit like programming. Getting past the initial learning curve is tough but worthwhile in the long run.
I’ve put together 20 resources including free AngularJS tutorials and free online codes for delving into AngularJS. With just 3-4 hours of practice you can learn the basic setup and primary purposes of using Angular in your websites. I’ve organized tutorials ranging from the absolute basics to step-by-step guidelines for app development. If you have any curiosity to learn AngularJS these links will surely prove beneficial.
Another great website is https://angular-js.in/ for keeping up to date on new angular modules, directives and services.
Perfect for a PHP developer to brush up on more powerful front-end technologies! Thanks!