CSS3 has paved the way for clean website animation without any reliance on JavaScript. Unfortunately it can’t handle every task but it’s got a fantastic track record so far. Modern website animation has grown from simple dropdown menus to animated backgrounds and parallax scrolling.
There’s a lot to see in the way of digital interface animation and the more you see the more ideas you’ll excogitate. In this showcase I’ll be focusing on 29 websites that utilize interesting animated effects. They might be full-page effects or just slightly glamorous touch-ups to the navigation. Either way these examples are perfect for inspiration when planning your own animated layouts.
I enjoyed this article, but your social sharing icons are obnoxiously big on my 13″ laptop monitor. Please consider making them a little smaller (or writing a media query to shrink them on small screens) so they’re not taking up 1/8 of my browser window height.
And the “Be the first to know” popup which popups on every page. This new layout is a mess, looks like old school frames stack up. A big boo to your intern designer
Thanks for the feedback, they have been updated. Are these better for you?