July 26, 2024
mozello website builder

Mozello: A Website Builder For Creating Amazing Sites

Due to the ever-increasing reach of the internet, having an online presence or website for your business is no longer a luxury but a necessity. Now, not everyone can code and deploy websites. Similarly, hiring web developers or design agencies too might be overkill and beyond the budget of many folks. If this is the case, a website builder can come to your rescue.

Basically, a website builder lets you create a blog, website or an eCommerce store with ease without having to deal with technical aspects of web development. A good website builder will take care of everything for you such as web hosting, coding, mobile-friendly websites, etc.

If you are looking for one such solution, meet Mozello. It lets you create modern, feature-rich and amazing websites in just a matter of a few clicks.

Mozello: A Website Builder For Creating Amazing Sites

What is Mozello?

Mozello is a simple and no-nonsense website builder that does just what it is supposed to do: help you create websites. It has a ton of features to its credit, and whether you are building a blog, a website or an online store, Mozello can handle it all.

Here is a basic run-down of all that Mozello has to offer:

  • Mozello lets you setup and build websites in just a matter of few clicks and within minutes.
  • Every website that you create using Mozello is fully responsive and mobile-friendly. Thus, no matter which device your visitors might be using, your website will look great across all screen sizes.
  • Mozello supports multilingual websites and also offers exemplary SEO features.
  • You can integrate with external services such as Disqus or Google Analytics.
  • Mozello offers support and detailed documentation if you ever run into a problem.
  • Mozello can be used to create virtually any type of website: a portfolio, a corporate site, a blog, a news site, an online store, etc.
  • Mozello is totally ad-free (even on the free plan).
  • You need absolutely zero technical skills in order to use Mozello. In other words, there is no steep learning curve.


Mozello offers three plans for you to choose from — Free, Premium and Premium Plus. Let us run the features of each plan.

The Free plan, as the name suggests, is free of cost. You get 500 MB of storage and you can create an online store with ten items. The catch is that the free plan shows a Mozello link in the footer. Plus, you must use a sub-domain for your site such as yoursite.mozello.com If you have had any experience with WordPress.com free plans, you can notice a good deal of similarity here.

mozello website builder

The Premium plan of Mozello does away with all the limitations. You get 50 GB of storage and can add up to 100 items in your online store. Plus, you also have the ability to map your custom domain and there are no links to Mozello anywhere on your site. This plan costs $7 per month.

And the Premium Plus offers everything of the Premium plan, but with no limits. You get unlimited storage and can add unlimited products to your online store. For this plan, you will have to pay $14 per month.

Also, it is worth noting that all plans support mobile devices and offer great customization features to help you setup your website. Furthermore, social media integration, SEO, support for Google Analytics as well as access to HTML code is available on all the plans, including the Free plan.

Mozello in Action

Once you login to your Mozello account, you are presented with the choice to select the design template that you wish to work with. This, of course, can be changed later on.

Thereafter, the customization and editing happens by means of a frontend live editor. You just need to click on the concerned block or section and then you can edit it therein.



Similarly, adding a new font scheme or color scheme is also a matter of just a few clicks.



The sidebar on the left offers you links to the sections that you might need.

mozello sidebar

You can add a blog or news section to your site. It is interesting to see some fine details in Mozello. For instance, you do not see any mention of comments when live editing your website. But if you head to the Settings part of your blog, you will find a field to add your Disqus shortname and integrate Disqus comments on your blog.

mozello disqus website builder

In the Settings panel, you can specify the favicon for your website as well as Google Analytics tracking ID. You can also change your account settings.

mozello settings

For code junkies, the ability to add custom HTML code in body or head is also there.

mozello code

As you can see, creating and editing a website using Mozello is fairly easy and requires no knowledge of web design at all.


A good website builder should be able to do two broad tasks: save the user’s time and be powerful enough to accommodate different types of websites. Mozello accomplishes both of these tasks very well.

First, it can save you not just time and efforts but also money. Picturize this: you can code and build your website yourself. So you probably can invest time and save the Mozello fees. However, you still will need some place to host your site, and good web hosting is not always cheap. As such, even if you possess the technical skills required to build websites, you might still end up spending more than what you would’ve with Mozello. For $14, you can get unlimited storage with Mozello as well as a handy website builder; doesn’t happen everywhere, does it?

Secondly, Mozello does not churn one website after another. Instead, it gives you full control of your site. Don’t like a given block or page? Remove it or edit it. Wish to change the font scheme? Need a blog on your site? All yours!

Website builders are not everyone’s cup of tea. Sometimes, you do need access to a proper database as well as custom coded scripts. For example, if you are running a gigantic forum, you might be better off with a dedicated piece of software. However, for all practical purposes, if you wish to get online quickly either for your own site or your clients’, Mozello is a decent and worthy site builder that you should surely take a look at.

Visit Mozello

Sufyan bin Uzayr is a writer, developer, and coffee-lover. He has authored several books and writes for various publications. You can learn more about his work at his website.

One Comment

  1. Daniel Reply

    Not sure web builders will ever win over creating a website from scratch professionally. I’ve lost a lot of business from these web builders, but I rarely hear much success from those who choose the easy option. I’m sure these web builders have sleek, minimal designs along with being responsive but is the code their written on good for SEO? I don’t think anyone creating a website even with a builder who work outside would go down this route and create a success with it but who knows, I’m just jealous ha ha.

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