January 22, 2025
Muse For You - Suicide Squad Character Morphing - Adobe Muse CC

Suicide Squad Character Morphing in Adobe Muse

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ef2HlR9RIjE]

Morph SVG elements in Adobe Muse. No Coding Skills Required.

Muse For You - Adobe Muse CC Adobe Muse CC Logo Greensock Logo

Most have us have seen the colorful trailer of the new Suicide Squad movie. We’ve seen Will Smith as Deadshot, Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn, and lets not forget the joker played by Jared Leto who looks deviously insane. You might be asking…why am I reading about this in a web design article? Great question.

I was recently invited to be a guest speaker at the Adobe Max – Creativity Conference on November 2nd to November 4th. I will be talking about Adobe Muse and my session is titled “Adobe Muse Power User Tips and Tricks.” One of the keynote speakers there is going to be Jared Leto who plays the Joker in the new Suicide Squad movie that comes out Friday, August 5th. This gave me the idea to use the new Muse Morph Widget to morph the characters from the Suicide Squad movie.

Muse For You - Suicide Squad Character Morphing - Adobe Muse CC

In the video above I go through the whole process from start to finish on how to morph the characters. I am using the new Muse Morph Widget Powered by Greensock’s MorphSVGPlugin Technology. The widget can be found at https://museforyoushop.com. This widget allows you to easily Morph SVG elements in Adobe Muse. No coding skills required. I also use Adobe Illustrator to set up the SVG elements (characters). Watch the video above to see how to use the widget and where to access it.

Happy Musing :).


John is an Adobe Muse ninja who spends most of his time creating Adobe Muse video tutorials and widgets for Adobe Muse. He is the creator of Muse For You. Visit Museforyoushop.com for more Adobe Muse video tutorials and widgets.

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