Photoshop actions are great. With just a click of a button you can apply a complicated effect to a photo instantly. One of the most popular type of actions is the vintage or retro style. With the popularity of vintage-inspired Instagram filters and film emulation, the older style is desired with many photos. Fortunately, there are plenty of quality Photoshop actions that will help you to get vintage effects quickly and easily. In this article, I’ve rounded up over eighty Photoshop actions that will add very cool vintage or retro effects to your photos.
Henry JonesJanuary 11, 201023 Comments010.1k
80+ Photoshop Actions for Giving Your Pictures a Vintage Look
Henry Jones
Henry Jones is a web developer, designer, and entrepreneur with over 14 years of experience. He is the founder of WDL and ThemeTrust.
Very helpful.
great action resources. Thanks
Thnaks for this huge ammount of actions 🙂 !
Do any of these actions replicated the “cross-processing” filter that’s built into Paintshop Pro XI and XII? That single filter, which emulates the enhances contrast and saturation you get by processing film as a slide (or vice versa) resulting in a cool 70s look is SO important to my photo style, I haven’t been able to fully move to Photoshop for fear of giving it up. ideas?
Cool, they add instant age to these photos..will definitely try them out..
designing is becoming way. too. easy for people. i swear its like the time autotune was created.. now anyone can make just about anything.. UGH.
*goes back to coding on notepad, and mocking up on a pad of paper*
I’m trying to build a nice repository of actions, layer styles, etc. This is a nice collection.
The thing that gets me about some of these – is that some of the people that have created these try to claim copyright to photoshop actions (?!) – and say that they can’t be used outside of deviantart.
I believe that’s bullcrap. Actions are not like brushes and the like, they are simply a set of steps – if I use my own techniques to achieve the same look – are they going to come after me for using their “copyrighted” set of steps? It’s bull.
I haven’t seen “photoshop actions – 136” before. Downloaded it asap.
Nice list!
Great stuff! just what i’m looking for. Thank you for sharing these photoshop actions to everyone.
Nice, bookmarked
love the Vintage meets lomo ps action! thanks a bunch!
The pictures are unbelievably gorgeous! excellent!
Hey! Nice. I am loving the graphics 🙂
See more :
Beautiful vintage tutorials!
Great for the consumer that wants just a little bit more. Thanks for posting! 🙂
Great set of tutorials. Thanks for sharing.
Ummm, some of these links go to a DevianArt page that aren’t available–therefore there are no actions 😉 can you please fix these? This a really good list of actions for Photoshop. thanks.
This page would be wonderful if the DeviantArt links worked. Hope that these can be fixed soon. Thanks!
Great post! Really needed one of these effects today.
Hi guys,
Great list I have some free filter downloads on my site you may want to check out, or feature here. I’m trying to share the love!
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