March 28, 2025

Dribbble Shots in every New Tab for Chrome and Firefox

An invite-only network of designers carries with it a certain weight of prestige. Dribbble is perhaps one of the more well-known portfolio sites with an incredible roster of designers.

It offers an inspirational look at the live pulse of the design world. Popular shots are voted on by users and these tend to draw the most attention.

Dribbble New Tab is a browser extension for Google Chrome and Firefox that brings these popular shots right to your desktop. It connects into the Dribbble API to pull out the latest popular shots in every new tab you open.

Dribbble new tab extension

This is a fun and creative way to stay on top of Dribbble and the latest high-quality posts on their site. I’ve been using Dribbble for over 3 years and continue to visit the site almost every day. There’s no end to the quality work and the number of invited designers has been growing rapidly.

If you install the extension you’ll be given the option to change up which shots are displayed in your new tab. Unregistered Dribbble users can see popular & recent shots.

But if you have an account you can also display shots from the people you follow, your own shots, or shots in your “liked” history.

Dribbble New Tab is a versatile and fun way to spruce up your browsing experience. It currently works for both Chrome & Firefox with many hoping for an Opera extension soon.

You can install for free and never miss a beat on the Dribbble courtyard.

Jake is a creative writer and UI designer by trade. You can follow him on twitter @jakerocheleau or learn more at his personal website

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