March 12, 2025

Pinterest Launches New Design For Its iOS App

Pinterest, the popular social network, has recently revamped the design of its iOS app. The new version claims to be extra fast and extra clean, and focuses more on functionality and usability.

To quote the official blog post:

With so many people using our app, it’s more important than ever to make sure it works great for everyone—no matter where you live, what language you speak or how old your phone is.

The new iOS Pinterest app comes with a modern and cleaner UI for pins. Plus, it is not available in 31 languages, loads up to three times faster as compared to the older versions of the app.


These changes have laid the groundwork for future improvements, too. Now that we’ve rebuilt things in a smarter way, engineers and designers here at Pinterest will be able to develop features faster than ever before.

The new version of the Pinterest app is currently only available for iOS devices such as iPhones and iPads, though the Android versions are not too far behind either, and currently under development.

What do you think of the new design of the Pinterest app for iOS devices? Share your views in the comments below!

Sufyan bin Uzayr is a writer, developer, and coffee-lover. He has authored several books and writes for various publications. You can learn more about his work at his website.

One Comment

  1. As Reply

    This new iOS Pinterest 2016 app panders to the facility of the device and negates the intentions of the user. Collecting and marveling at scraps is easy but figuring out who is discriminatory or evaluating the character of which pinners to follow has become much much much harder.

    The app now shows your boards as your most recent pins and the pins you’ve chosen to stand for each board is gone. Too bad if you’ve had an off day when someone looks at your stuff. Any caption a user has added is also mostly hidden when browsing so further context is lost. This version of the app has negated any effort a Pinner has attempted in putting forward an identity for themselves.

    This version has reduced Pinterest back to a common scrapbook and removed any meaningful differentiation from any other scrapbooking app. Soon the only ads will be for wrinkle removal and other crap you get on bad web sites. If you only want to hoard pictures it’s great – for anything else it’s now terrible. Its reduced Pinterest back to just an image thief and a platform for ads.

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