March 10, 2025

10 Fresh jQuery Tutorials to Enhance Navigation Menus

A few years ago, when designers wanted to add cool effects to the navigation of a website they used Flash. We all know the types of problems that caused. Now with the growing popularity of javascript frameworks like jQuery, those same types of “Flash-like” effects can be achieved without Flash. Here are 10 jQuery tutorials and techniques to enhance your website’s navigation and menus.

Horizontal Scroll Menu with jQuery Tutorial

jquery navigation

BBC Radio 1 Zoom Tabs

jquery navigation


jquery navigation

Outside the Box Navigation with jQuery

jquery navigation

Sexy Drop Down Menu w/ jQuery & CSS

jquery navigation

A Simple and Beautiful jQuery Accordion Tutorial

jquery navigation

Make a Mega Drop-Down Menu with jQuery

jquery navigation

jQuery look: Tim Van Damme

jquery navigation

jQuery Feed Menus

jquery navigation

Create a Good Looking Floating Menu with jQuery Easing

jquery navigation


Henry Jones is a web developer, designer, and entrepreneur with over 14 years of experience. He is the founder of WDL and ThemeTrust.


  1. Daniel Long Reply

    There are some really good ideas for nav menus in this collection. The first example is one of my favourites, I think it would work well as a menu for an archive of blog posts. Another great example is the ‘Spritemenu’. I really like how when hovering over a button, the darker blue covers the button to highlight where you are. I will definetly be following the tutorials to try and re-create some of these, and try to push the idea further.

  2. Jeremy Reply

    Great list, but…

    The “Outside the Box with jQuery Navigation” only links to an example. Is that not a packaged download, just an example of what you can do? Thanks.

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