We’ve been on the prowl for some new free fonts to share with you. After much searching, we found quite a few, but we believe in “only the best” for WDL readers. The fonts we’ve rounded up for this post are absolutely beautiful, and we know that they’ll find a home in many or your projects.

Henry Jones
Henry Jones is a web developer, designer, and entrepreneur with over 14 years of experience. He is the founder of WDL and ThemeTrust.
Nice Collections!!!!!!
Globar, the best of them all, does not appear to be free.
Campton is great, but I choose Globar, see Polish characters there 🙂
I bought Glober for 90% off on myfonts.com a few days ago. A great deal.
It seems Globar is not completely free indeed. But great collection nonetheless!
This is a great collection. I love how they are all free! As a web designer, having a large font Rolodex is a must!
Wow Tesla is something else! Will save that for something special! Great collection as usual!