March 14, 2025

100+ Photoshop Actions for Amazing Color Enhancements

Color plays a major role in the story that a photograph has to tell, but sometimes the color that the camera captures isn’t exactly what we have in mind. This is where Photoshop can be a big help, and more specifically Photoshop actions. With the click of a button an action can help us achieve time consuming effects in no time. Here are over 100 Photoshop actions that will add amazing color enhancements to your photos.

Set 43 (12 actions)

photoshop actions

Set 26 (6 actions)

photoshop actions

Black white sepia

Photoshop Actions

Photo Coloring II

Photoshop Actions

Vintage Effect (6 actions)

photoshop actions

Stylish Sepia

Photoshop Actions

Photoshop Action

photoshop actions

Red action

Photoshop Actions

Nature Actions 2.09

photoshop actions

sa-cool actions 2.06 (7 actions)

photoshop actions

Retro.Vintage actions

photoshop actions


Photoshop Actions

Photo Coloring 11.2

Photoshop Actions

Set 41 (4 actions)

photoshop actions

Photoshop Actions Pack 5 (10 actions)

photoshop actions

Photoshop Postwork Actions (50 actions)

photoshop actions



Henry Jones is a web developer, designer, and entrepreneur with over 14 years of experience. He is the founder of WDL and ThemeTrust.


  1. yams Reply

    wish some of these had tutorials with explanations. The actions need to be tweaked to work better with different pictures.

  2. gottalovethefreestuff Reply

    I LOOOVE it how people can COMPLAIN for someone doing something NICE! Well, no complaints here. Thank you so much for your actions. As usual!!!

    I too wished I could remember which is which? I have hundreds of them to choose from! Thanks again – so much.

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