January 24, 2025
Muse For You - The Animator Widget - Adobe Muse CC

139 Animation Effects – Animate.css in Adobe Muse

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cm6CuEBTHqM]

Choose from 139 Animation Effects for your Adobe Muse website. No Coding Skills Required.

Muse For You - Adobe Muse CC Adobe Muse CC Logo

Website animations are becoming more and more popular on the web today. Animations can make your website stand out and give it more life. Two of the more popular website animation libraries are Animate.css and Magic.css. Animate.css is well known within the web design community and many web designers and developers use it within their website. Magic.css, although not as popular as Animate.css, has many great animations that you can add to your website. With these libraries you can have elements rotate, fade in, fade out, flip, bounce, shake, pulse, vanish in, vanish out, bounce in, etc. You can visit the above libraries to see all of the animations.

 Animate.css Image

Magic.css Image

This gave me the idea to create a widget for Adobe Muse that combined both of these libraries and allowed users to add these animations to their Adobe Muse website. I called the widget “The Animator Widget,” a name I thought was fitting for what it does :). In total there are 139 web animations that you can add to any element on your Adobe Muse website. All you have to do is add the widget, assign the widget to the element, and you immediately have animation on your website. This makes web designing in Adobe Muse a lot of fun. You can have the animation start on load, on start, on hover, on click, or on scroll. This allows you to completely customize how you would like your users to experience the animation.

Muse For You - The Animator Widget - Adobe Muse CC

The Animator Widget Cover Art

Features Include:

  • Choose from 139 different animations
  • Set the duration of the animation
  • Add a delay to the animation before it starts
  • Set how many times you would like the animation to repeat
  • Infinitely loop the animation
  • Add to any element on your Adobe Muse website
  • Lightweight for your website

Trigger Animations:

  • On Load
  • On Start
  • On Hover
  • On Click
  • On Scroll

It is no wonder this widget has been one of the most popular in the Muse For You Shop. Web designers and developers love engaging their audience with animations. You can choose from 139 animations and completely customize how elements animate within your Adobe Muse website. Watch the video tutorial above to see the widget in action and how it works. To access the widget visit https://museforyoushop.com.


John is an Adobe Muse ninja who spends most of his time creating Adobe Muse video tutorials and widgets for Adobe Muse. He is the creator of Muse For You. Visit Museforyoushop.com for more Adobe Muse video tutorials and widgets.


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