February 7, 2025

20 + Website Templates “Game of Thrones” Characters Could Use

The summer of 2017 was a thrilling period for all fans of the “Game of Thrones” series. The 7th season revealed the events that couldn’t be found in George Martin’s books, since the writer still hadn’t published the last two parts of his “Song of Ice and Fire.” And since there’s only one season left, fans can’t help but talk about the possible endings of the saga and the characters’ possible destinies. We have also tried to speculate for a while on the idea of which website templates “Game of Thrones” characters could use and what businesses they could run.

So, here are our ideas for websites that could have been a good fit for “Game of Thrones” characters had they lived in our world.

Tyrion Lannister – A Queen’s Hand: Barnaby – Consulting WordPress Theme

Tyrion Lannister

Tyrion Lannister is often considered to be the main character of the whole saga. Youngest son of one of the most influential Lords of the Seven Kingdoms, younger brother of Queen Cersei and her twin brother, Jaime, Tyrion caught the hearts of many women, despite his height. His wit and sharp tongue have led him into many problems, but have also made him the Right Hand Man of Daenerys the Stormborn.

He is a great counselor, which is why this consulting WordPress theme would make a perfect fit for his consulting business. The clean and honest design includes all the necessary features that will help him to establish good relations with multiple customers. A pack of Cherry plugins will come in handy to build amazing functionality and provide the users with the best experience.

Barnaby - Consulting WordPress Theme

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Daenerys Targaryen – Mother of Dragons: Pet Care Web Template

daenerys targaryen

An orphaned child, who has grown into a wise and strong woman, Daenerys is one of the favorite characters of many GOT fans. A beautiful girl who isn’t afraid of taking on responsibilities and ruling thousands of people who call her “mother.” And not just people! She has three dragons (well, two at the end of Season seven) of whom she takes care like a mother. So, a pet care website is the theme of choice for her business.

This theme features a huge photo background to include the pictures of her pets, a hidden menu, to keep the attention of users focused on the main content. Thick orange frames are nice touches that accentuate the important info right from the start. A slider with testimonials will help Daenerys know what her “children” expect from her. And a stick-to-top menu will help users to browse the website quickly and effortlessly.

Pet Care Web Template

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Jon Snow – Watcher on the Walls: Watches Store Responsive Magento Theme

jon snow

As Ned Stark’s bastard in season one, Jon Snow unexpectedly turns out to be another lost child and a legal ancestor of the Targaryen family. Honest, loyal and righteous, he won the trust of his brothers in arms from the Night’s Watch and was elected (okay, okay, with a little help from a friend) as the Lord Commander and later, as the King in the North. Jon always stands by the Watcher’s vow, so… the Watches store theme is a perfect fit for him.

This theme is made in cool tones which creates a perfect harmony with the snowy landscapes of the North and Winterfell. Large photos will help to showcase the goods to their best advantage, keeping the overall design restrained and sophisticated. A collection of TM Modules, included with the theme, will help you to tweak the template with little effort. Parallax feature adds depth and movement.

Brand Watches Magento 2 Theme

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Jaime Lannister – White Knight: Collagon theme

jamie lannister

The first-born son of Lord Tywin, a twin brother of the queen Cersei (and her lover as well) and the elder brother of Tyrion, Jaime is not as ordinary a figure as he may seem. Named “Kingslayer” for murdering the “Mad” king Aerys (many will support me it was the right action to take), Jaime remains a Kings guard knight, sticking to his inner code of chivalry. He is a defender and a warrior. So this security service template would be the perfect fit for his potential business.

The security agency theme boasts a clean and concise design with a restrained layout. Responsive and cross-browser compatible, the template is filled with various features that allow the presentation of data on the page in the most handy and user-friendly manner. Equipped with a few forms, it helps users to get in touch with the owner quickly, so calling a knight for help will be a snap!

Collagon - Premium Moto CMS 3 Template

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Varys – The Spider: Financial Advisor Bootstrap Template


Skilled manipulator, quiet and secretive, Varys is another dark horse of the saga. A slave in the past, eunuch and actor, Varys has become a great player in the “Game of Thrones”. His deeds haven’t always been good, but he always aimed at reaching noble goals. He believes Daenerys would be the better Queen and her reign would be the best way to bring peace and prosperity to the Seven Kingdoms. A wise man would have been running a wise business, so our choice of a theme for Varys is the financial advisor template.

This template features a clean structure with cool green accents for a more vivid look. A collection of Google Fonts and cool Font Icons will help in adding zest to the website and making it unique. Numerous working forms, including Contact One and Newsletter subscription, will save the owner’s time if adding all such elements manually.

Financial Advisor Bootstrap Template

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Petyr Baelish – From Rags to Riches: Political Candidate WordPress Theme


Another manipulator and a cunning “Game of Thrones” player, Petyr Baelish aka Littlefinger appears to be the man behind the War of the Five Kings. He lies and betrays and manipulates like a puppet master. His brilliant skills in the “Game of Thrones” won him fame as one of the best politicians of the Seven Kingdoms. Thus, the choice of his website is quite obvious.

A political candidate template is decorated with a full-background image, minimalist layout and a powerful drag-and-drop builder inside. Over 25 modules, and a library of presets and a pack of Cherry plugins make this WordPress theme one of the most powerful – just like Lord Baelish. Multiple layout options make manipulations of the design easier.

Political Candidate WordPress Theme

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Night King – Cold as Ice: Ice Vending Machines Web Template

niпре king

Not the nicest character within the series but you must admit – he’s got style. No one knows where he came from, but his intentions are clear from the beginning. Powerful and icy, he has recently acquired a dragon, so no one will stand in his way… no one, except Jon Snow.

An Ice vending machines theme is the kind of business that would fit the Ice King perfectly. It’s gleaming with all shades of snow, incorporating a powerful interface and a huge set of functionalities under the pure skin. A tiled product showcase function adds zest to the design and makes the process of choosing and purchasing much easier.

Ice Vending Machines Web Template

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Melisandre – Red Priestess: Fire Department Web Template


An absolute opposite to the Night King, a Red Priestess is all heat and energy! Her red gown resembles fire whenever she seeks for the answers to her questions and for help from her God. No wonder that she would probably feel the most comfortable within a fire department team.

This template for a fire department makes a good use of all the latest web design trends including background images, large fonts and parallax effect. Photo backgrounds will be a great place for sharing the team photos and services details. Valid code and advanced customization options help the management of the website with ease.

Fire Department Web Template

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Arya Stark – Faceless Girl: Tonotico Plastic Surgery Clinic Responsive WordPress Theme


Arya is the youngest daughter of Ned Stark and Jon Snow’s best friend and sister. Bold, passionate and driven, she passed through many trials and learned to stand up for herself and her family. Having been a trainee at the Faceless Men’s House, she learnt to change faces but she has also found her true self.

That’s why a plastic surgery clinic business would fit her best. This pure-white WordPress theme is made with the Power Drag-and-Drop Builder that allows the user to manage and customize each detail to its full extent with little effort. Cherry services plugin helps to show off the team members and display the number of services the clinic has to offer.

Tonotico - Plastic Surgery Clinic Responsive WordPress Theme

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Bran Stark – Three-Eyed Raven: Hypnotherapy WordPress Theme


The younger brother of Arya Stark, a “broken boy”, who cannot walk, Bran is no ordinary kid. He is a Greenseer which means he can see the past and the future, in some way. Wise and strong, this child helps his relatives to solve many issues and find out truths that are hidden from them. So, hypnotherapy and psychology are his mission and potential business.

The hypnotherapy clinic theme for WordPress would be a good fit for Bran’s website, being wisely designed and powerfully equipped. Clean layout helps to draw attention to the main information, while multiple Layout Options and Content Modules help with the website management. A nice, but necessary addition, the Events Calendar, helps visitors to schedule their meetings.

Hypnotherapy WordPress Theme

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Gendry – Rowing Down the River: Rafting & Kayaking WordPress Theme


Gendry is the bastard of Robert Baratheon and for now he’s the only one of Robert’s illegitimate children who escaped the Cersei’s wrath. Season 3 was the last time we saw Gendry in the series: to escape the death in fires of Melisandre he was “sailing west”, as Davos told him. In season 7 Gendry is brought back in the game by sir Davos who finds Gendry in King’s Landing doing his old job as a blacksmith. “I thought you might still rowing…”, Davos greets Gendry. We thought so too, Davos, we thought so too!

So, after mastering rowing during 3 whole seasons, Gendry should have definitely launched a rafting and kayaking business with the beautiful WordPress theme below! This multipurpose theme is a real power engine, supported with drag-and-drop builder, multiple layout options and cool Cherry plugins. Huge background images support the design and let display the advantages of the services right from the beginning.

Rafting and Paddling WordPress Theme

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Hodor – Delivery Service: Premium Moto CMS 3 Template


Many hearts broke after discovering the sad story of Hodor (or Wylis, as he was called as a child)! Slouchy at first sight, this strong and kind person saved Bran and Myrra from wights, sacrificing his life while holding the cave door. That’s how his mind was damaged and how he got his nickname – Hodor. Through all series Hodor carries crippled Bran in some kind of a basket. That’s why a delivery service template should perfectly fit his potential business niche.

This template is equipped with multiple custom-made pages what eases the process of tweaking and management of a website. A collection of handy widgets adds more functionality to this well-built design. Personal blog and subscription form are perfect means of engagement here.

Delivesse - Delivery Services Premium Moto CMS 3 Template

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Samwell Tarly – Citadel Maester: Cleaning Company Joomla Template

sam tarly

This clumsy yet kind boy is a real reincarnation of another famous Sam – Tolkien’s Samwise Gamgee. Loyal and smart friend of Jon Snow, Sam was sent to Citadel to learn ancient wisdom and becoming a maester for the Night’s Watch. He cures sir Jorah Mormont of grey scale. And in reward, Archmaester Ebrose sends him to… copy old manuscripts and clean dirty pots.

Seems that Sam is pretty good in this activity, so cleaning service company is a great fit for him. No wonder that the template for his website features clean design with a lot of whitespace. It draws attention to the content and allows placing accents wisely. Mega-menu with stick-to-top functionality ensures that no customer will be lost during website browsing.

Cleaning Company Joomla template

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Walder Frey – Red Wedding Planner: Events company WordPress Theme

walder frey

Lord Walder Frey is a sly old dog who knows which way the wind blows and always makes profit for himself. He was married seven times and has many children. Lord Frey puts little faith in oaths he utters and thus, breaks them all easily. One of the biggest treasons was the Red Wedding where Robb Stark was slaughtered. Well, we must admit, Walder Frey is a great event manager.

So, a party planner template would fit Lord Frey perfectly and would make a profitable business for him. Made in bright colors, the theme features Hero background image to create a festive atmosphere. Drag-and -drop builder along with content Modules help managing the website with no efforts. Pretty handy for a ninety-year-old man.

Party Planner WordPress Theme

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Bronn – Top Gun: Fired Up WooCommerce Theme


Bronn was an ordinary sellsword who came into the scene while championing for Tyrion in the trial by combat in Eyrie. Thanks to his wit and pragmatic nature, Bronn fast turned from mercenary to a knight, getting wealth and courtesy title for his services. Skilled with many types of weapon, Bronn saves Jaime Lannister’s life sending an arrow into one of Daenerys’s dragons.

Such a great shooter should have run a gun store website, we thought. So here it is: a weapon shop template with a set of cool Cherry plugins and WooCommerce functionality inside. White background focuses attention on the products for sale. Nice content modules and layout presets help organising products in a user-friendly manner.

Gun Store WooCommerce Theme

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Jojen Reed – Astrology Services: Geminiz Blog WordPress Theme



Jojen is a greenseer just like Bran. He came to Winterfell to save Bran and guide him to the Three-Eyed Raven as he believes Bran has the powers to help in winning the oncoming war against the White Walkers. Being so good at seeing the future, no wonder that Jojen would have made a fortune in our days provided he launched an astrological services business.

The astrology blog website for Jojen features a huge background image with mystic space photo. Sleek design has many options for tweaking including cool fonts, galleries, content modules etc. Live Customizer allows changing themes and customizing their elements in a blink of an eye. Based on Cherry Framework 5, the theme is responsive, flexible and SEO-friendly.

Astrology WordPress Theme

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Rickon Stark – Trueborn Runner: Moto CMS HTML Template


Rickon is the youngest wolfie of the Stark pack. His direwolf, Shaggydog, was his best friend during 6 seasons. Guess, we all hoped that this nice and innocent boy would be safe if only he had reached Jon before The Battle of Bastards… But Ramsay Bolton with his sick imagination though it would be funny to kill a running boy with arrows. Well, what can we say here? Run, Rickon, run!

Try to imagine Rickon running a running club website with this nice template! Pastel colors create a fresh and airy atmosphere – just a perfect fit for running website. 8 slider and gallery options help adding multiple photos from events. Over 20 widgets add a lot to website’s functionality.

Running Moto CMS HTML Template

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Cersei Lannister – Golden Queen: Loan Company One Page WordPress Theme


Queen with golden hair and heir to all the fortune of her father Tywin, Cersei is now one of the wealthiest women of Westeros. Why does she run business with men from the Iron Bank then? The Crown’s debt should be paid and not with her own money. This woman knows how to keep the family money safe.

The rich get richer, so Cersei would be a perfect Loan firm owner. This bank template with minimalist design would be a great fit for her business. Green accents across the layout hint to the color of money. Cherry plugins collection adds powers and versatility to the dashboard. Custom widgets, including calendar, post carousel and social media, let building strong online presence and engage many clients.

Loan Dolphins - Loan Company One Page WordPress Theme

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Euron Greyjoy – Great Voyager: Yachting & Voyage Charter WordPress Theme


Euron Greyjoy is one of the heirs to the throne of the Iron Islands. And seems he does not want to stop with this title. Now he aims at the Iron Throne, be it through marriage to Queen Cersei. And this determined SOB is pretty close to get what he wants.

Sea is the best place for all the Ironborn people. And Euron is not an exception. That’s why a Yachting company website is the best idea for this man. The theme features full-background images that draw all user’s eyes to beautiful photos of yachts. Blue and white colors create the atmosphere of freshness. Cherry Projects add to the website tons of tweaking functions, like layout variants and filter options.

Yachting & Voyage Charter WordPress Theme

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Tommen Baratheon – Next Time with Parachute: Extreme Sports & Skydiving Club Joomla Template



Tommen is a younger son of Cersei and her twin Brother, Jaime (guess everybody here know the true father of Cersei kids, right?). Married to Margaery Tyrell after the death of his elder brother, Tommen seems to be truly in love with his wife. That’s why he takes it personally when his mother murders Margaery in the Great Sept of Baelor and commits suicide jumping off the window. Silly boy, next time take the parachute, ok?

If Tommen hadn’t done this, he would have launched a very successful skydiving website. This clean theme features parallax for more vibrant look. Color switcher allows changing the color palette across the entire website with a few clicks. A number of additional pages help creating a fully-functional website pretty fast.

Skydiving Joomla Theme

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Tormund and Brienne – Dynamic Duo: Jen+Ben – One Page Wedding WordPress Theme


It’s time to reveal our expectations for the next GOT season. This dynamic duo makes us smile and wish they get together as soon as possible. Tormund and Brienne seem to be meant for each other, that’s why they should have got a wedding website ready for them.

This wedding website template is filled with eye-candy photos and user-friendly elements. Drag-and-drop builder stored inside makes customization a fun and pleasing process. Pretty counter under the Hero header allows staying aware of the time that is left to the Big Day.

Jen+Ben - One Page Wedding WordPress Theme

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Hot Pie – Hot Pies Backer: Bakery & Cakes Responsive Magento Theme

hot pie

Hot Pie is one of the minor characters of the Game of Thrones saga. But his cute face and baker skills attracted our attention. It’s obvious that Arya Stark was his sweetheart through all these seasons. And who knows, maybe she learnt baking pies with the Frey’s meat from him.

The baker theme is a great fit for a boy with such a nickname. Cool large imagery keeps all eyes on the website. Amazing collection of TM Modules included with the template makes it a real power engine. Responsive and SEO-friendly, the theme will perfectly perform in search. Mega menu and newsletter options add to user engagement and will definitely drive many leads and customers.

Bakerix - Delicious Bakery Magento 2 Theme

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Well, these were our speculations about the GOT characters’ destinies had they lived among us. Hope, you liked these suggestions and already found a theme that may fit you too. Or, perhaps, you have other ideas of the business that would have fit your favorite character? Don’t hesitate, share your thoughts with us!

Well, these are our speculations about the GOT characters’ destinies were they to live among us today. I hope you liked these suggestions and have already found a theme that may fit you too. Or, perhaps, you have other ideas of the type of business that would fit your favorite character? Don’t hesitate, share your thoughts with us!


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