July 26, 2024

21 Examples of Single Colored Backgrounds in Web Design

In web design, there’s a variety of approaches that can be taken when it comes to a web site’s background. For some designs, it might be appropriate to use a pattern or a large image. While on others, a single solid color makes more sense. So for your Monday inspiration this week, we’re showing you web designs that take a simple approach when it comes to backgrounds. In this collection, you’ll see how a large dose of a single color can have a dramatic effect.

The Red Bowl Challenge

Single Colored Background

Founders Fund

Single Colored Background

What Happens Next?

Single Colored Background


Single Colored Background

McCormack & Morrison

Single Colored Background

Chad Mazzola

Single Colored Background

The Honours

Single Colored Background

Mike Dignam

Single Colored Background


Single Colored Background


Single Colored Background


Single Colored Background

Societe Perrier

Single Colored Background

Australia Business Art Foundation

Single Colored Background


Single Colored Background

Arcade Creative

Single Colored Background

Present Plus

Single Colored Background


Single Colored Background

Woolly Robot

Single Colored Background


Single Colored Background

Slavery Footprint

Single Colored Background

Art 4 Web

Single Colored Background


The Best Designs


Gisele Muller loves communication, technology, web, design, movies, gastronomy and creativity. Web writer, portuguese/english translator and co founder of @refilmagem & @mentaway Twitter: @gismullr


  1. Aviron Reply

    I just love “Red Bowl challenge” design, how everything falls into place with the background, I really like this type of websites, the message is clear, the design is absolutely unique and well done.
    Too bad more sites are not deigned like that, especially in Israel.

  2. aledesign.it Reply

    because dramatic effect? I think this is a good collection of site. Some are beautiful examples like “oink” “350 gram”. For me i usually alternate sites with layouts with unique colours or images or gradients. Depends by the client. Thanks for sharing

  3. Shalini Reply

    Really Inspiring Collection of Backgrounds in Web Design 🙂

    “Societe Perrier” and “Slavery Footprint” have Awesome Effect. Thanks for Sharing

  4. David Reply

    Great stuff, I look a bit of inspiration from similar sites when creating my own online protfolio (illustrationbooth.com – if you want to see the results), but these are on a whole other level! Loving 350gram and Arcade Creative especially.

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