January 21, 2025
Sales Rate

3 Practical Methods for Improving the Sales Rate As a Designer

Regardless of your field of activity or business, at least once we all came across the following problem: the inability to sell. No matter what we do, we simply cannot finalize the sale. The market if overflowed with design related products from fonts, vectors, icons, to editing tools and apps.

There are products/services that sell by themselves, but there are also services that are harder to sell (or almost impossible – at least so it seems to us when first attempting to sell). However, there are also some GENERAL VALID techniques to influence potential buyers.

Today we thought we’d introduce you to three such techniques – we can call them Persuasion practical methods for improving the sales rate.


  1. The Contrast Technique – When a customer says NO, it’s actually means MAYBE for something cheaper!

When you offer a product but the potential client visits the product’s page and leaves without buying anything, try to retarget him/her through a remarketing campaign. You can do that by offering a discount or a similar product at a lower price. The technique works best when performed in a real-time re-test.

Sales Rate

For example, when the potential client adds the final products to the cart, continues to the finalization of the order, but ends up not buying anything. Then there should be a push-up message to offer him/her a reduction. Or, if you see that the visitor spends more than one minute on the cart page and does not finish, you can ask him through programs like Zopim Chat if he needs help completing the order.

  1. Show customers that their friends have already bought from you

This is based on the technique of mimicry – an extremely powerful persuasion technique. This method relies on the fact that if a user sees that his/her friend has trusted a product, he/she will mimic their behavior, increasing your chance to sell them the same product.

Technically, this way of influencing is more difficult to implement, as you need, like Amazon, a system that allows you to log in and purchase products via Facebook.

Sales Rate

So when potential clients log in on your site to complete an order via Facebook, they will be remembered in the system database and their Facebook friends will see them interacting with your site.

It’s the same system that tells you how many of your friends liked one page, visited the page, or liked an article.

  1. The “push” technique – with limited offers

This is one of the most common methods of improving sales rate. For this very reason, however, efficiency is being lost; too many people use it frequently. But this should not stop you from using it. With a drop of originality, you can easily stand out in the crowd.

Simply showing a reduced price of a product with the previous price right next to it, won’t bring you too many customers. How about using an animated slider on the discount page representing a stopwatch? You can display how many days/hours/minutes are left until the end of the promotion.

Sales Rate

You are probably familiar with this technique as many stores use it, especially on Black Fridays. Such campaigns will result in clients “pushed” to buy a product right NOW, because tomorrow they may not have the chance anymore. Make this technique even more efficient by showing how many items of the wanted product are left.


We guarantee that any of the techniques above work and will bring you more customers. Make sure your offers look appealing and urgent. Do offer once in a while the best prices on the market. This will ensure you an unforgettable name, and your customers will be the happiest.

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