We all have to agree that in 2010 everyone talked a lot about HTML5. The buzz around HTML5’s new features and possibilities was a strong subject during the year. Back in august we showcased a list with 55 Excellent Examples of Websites Using HTML5 and today we will show you 35 new examples of websites that are also using some new tricks from HTML5.
Gisele MullerDecember 27, 201012 Comments09.2k
35 Inspiring Examples of Websites Using HTML5
Gisele Muller
Gisele Muller loves communication, technology, web, design, movies, gastronomy and creativity. Web writer, portuguese/english translator and co founder of @refilmagem & @mentaway Twitter: @gismullr
Great collection Gisele! You can also visit https://html5beauty.net/ a gallery of beautiful html5 websites.
Hi Gisele,
It’s a great and inspiring collection !!!
Thanks a lot !!
Thanks for the roundup Gisele
Some excellent examples
Nice list indeed! Thanks for including me!
It’s Arno Hoogma instead of Arno Hoog though … 🙂
Some very interesting websites in this list, thanks for the inspiration!
I’ve heard HTML5 is quite challenging to play around with but collection here is quite stunning.
these are all incredibly amazing websites.
Wow what a beautiful collection. Thanks for showcasing these.
You should have explained each website about what HTML5 technique has been used. Its hard to know what HTML5 element has been used by seeing the website.
Great find! Can’t wait to start developing a little more in HTML5.
Really enjoyed Ben the Bodyguard, F6 and L2 Ouro.
Great Collection!
Who is Juliene Tienne? 😉