February 16, 2025

All 4 of these Logos are Better than Verizon's

While checking Dribbble I stumbled onto a really great shot by David Kovalev.

preview Verizon redesign David Kovalev

Looking through the comments I noticed a fairly accurate point made by Claudiu Cioba:

Claudio's comment on Dribbble

So what do you think? Are all of those logos really better than Verizon’s?

In my eyes the answer is pretty clear, and I think Verion should hire David Kovalev to give them a real 2015 redesign.

Verizon 2015 rebranding by David Kovalev


Jake is a creative writer and UI designer by trade. You can follow him on twitter @jakerocheleau or learn more at his personal website JakeRocheleau.com.


  1. Anders Tiger Reply

    To me, the included Verizon logo at the bottom seems alot more compressed / low resolution compared to the others which makes a comparison unjust. However, all logos looks alot better than the previous Verizon logo.

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