Wallpapers are great for giving you a spark of visual inspiration when switching between applications or taking a break from a project. People are also very passionate about their wallpapers, especially those themed around their operating system of choice. In this post, you will find 40 of the most stunning wallpapers designed around Ubuntu, Mac, and Windows.
Henry Jones
Henry Jones is a web developer, designer, and entrepreneur with over 14 years of experience. He is the founder of WDL and ThemeTrust.
If only that would be standard wallpapers… then the standard OS’es would be loved!
Great wallpapers! Thanks for sharing.
Nice Wallpapers, I loved specialy the MAC wallpapers.
nice wallpapers, thanks for share!
Those really are gorgeous. I love the ones that play on light and shadow, in particular the 8th Mac one and the 6th Windows one.
The ubuntu ones are awesome!
As a Linux user, I gotta say it’s great to see Ubuntu’s name not only next to Mac’s and Windows’, but leading the pack this time!
Thanks for the useful info. It’s so interesting
I must say this is a very nice selection. I’m just a casual user of Windows, and I liked all the wallpapers here.
Great collection, thanks for posting
Thanks so much. I especially like the Ubuntu collection.
Beautiful wallpapers.
I just find a Mac software which provides some wallpaper templates, users can make their photo wallpaper on Mac.learn more from the link
This wallpapers about Ubuntu inspiring me to install Linux on my PC. And it was great choice. Thanks!!
Very nice compilation. Thanks for sharing!!
Really nice collection. Love the ubuntu wallpapers
Nice Wallpapers, I loved specialy the MAC wallpapers.
i wanted to get the windows 7 wall paper even though i don’t have it i guess im faking it
These all kind of suck…sad to say the windows wallpapers are the best of the group. I have a mac as my main computer/design machine and an ubuntu laptop as my development machine and am disappointed with the selections provided for both of my OSes