Since here at WDL we believe that having a lot of fonts in our libraries is never enough, we decided to gather some new beautiful and useful free fonts to show you. Today we have eight different styles to add personality to your designs, so check them out.
Henry Jones
Henry Jones is a web developer, designer, and entrepreneur with over 14 years of experience. He is the founder of WDL and ThemeTrust.
Thank you for the selection. Some of these fonts are very well designed.
Vezus or Streda will be very useful, I hope so.
Fantastic..great set..thanks for sharing!! Useful!
Great fonts!
Wow, so creative!
And you can use new free basic latin & cyrillic font Kotyhoroshko (regular & bold)
Thanks. Here’s another beautiful type. How come no designer’s site noticed it?
Che is so great.
Streda is best.
Thanks, very nice and useful.
Great round up!
Can’t get Citizen Slab to work.
Thank you for the others though!
Thanks for sharing these–Veezus looks solid, and I like the bold choices in Benthem.
Wow, I really like vezus. Very nice indeed
Thanks so much, great selection
Streda is great
Thanks, for the free fonts. I’ll use them for webdesign and graphic design
Thanks for the links. Lots of nice fonts. Surprised that mocha was only illustrator files or did I miss something. Thanks again!
Joel Felix’s portfolio page link to download Citizen Slab font doesn’t load right :/
These are very unique. Especially like the Mocha font.
Thank you for sharing – I really like Venzus and Mocha
I’ll definitely be using Oranienbaum in the future – beautifully done!
Really nice fonts, thanks for sharing
I really love ZnikomitNo25. Though… I’m not sure what I’d use it for.
Thank you for sharing!!!!
Great picks! Thank you for sharing – can’t wait to use it.
Thanks SO MUCH! I LOVE fonts! And FREE ones are even better! Thank you!
Very good fonts, thank you for sharing. I really want to use Mocha Script and there is only outlined Illustrator versions and no TTF or OTF file to use in my font library. Can you please upload that version.
Thank you
Love em…. especially citizen slab and shreda fonts, thanks for the share!
Angie: “Can’t get Citizen Slab to work.” Do you mean you can’t get it downloaded? It’s on a Dropbox. Select the Download button on the top right and select “direct download”.
I liked Vezus. It’s Simply nice. I think you need to rework over Mocha.
Thanks for posting, fantastic fonts!
Wow, thanks for sharing this usefull pieces of art!
My favourite is Shreda. Have passed the link on to the design team – nice selection – thanks.
“Free” is a very general term. Free for personal use? Free for commercial use?
JCS, I think it’s up to each designer to read the licensing and determine that for themselves…
These fonds are beautiful and useful. Thank you very much for sharing.
wow, nice selection, thank you for sharing
Great fonts, thank you for sharing!
Going to love trying these out. Thanks!
I also love the Mocha Font and Che, but only illustrator files.
Would like to have the OTF, TTF too please if possible.
Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for sharing. I really like the Vesus and the Streda. The other ones are also very unique so probally useful in some great extraordinary design.
A fantastic collection of fonts. I particularly like ZnikomitNo25. Thank you.
I vote for Sreda and ZnikomitNo25, nice fonts.
From a type obsessed creative director, many thanks.
Thanks for the collection of free fonts.
Thanks for these great fonts, and to the makers for giving them open licences. Now let’s all try to remember to credit ‘free’ font designers in our work! #designvalues
Great collection..loved streda and vezus
Great. I will enjoy trying them out.
Thank you for Sreda, very intelligent font
Thank you for sharing this collection. Much appreciated!
Thanks for the treat! Especially like Citizen Slab…
Thank you for the loveliest free fonts – Im excited to put them to use!
Great and inspirational! Thank you for sharing.
Awesome! Especially love CHE & BENTHEM. Thank you!
Thanks for the FONTS!! A very generous gesture indeed.
Absolutely awesome free gift.
thank you so much for sharing! the type designs are beautiful!
Fabulous! Much appreciated!
Thank you so much for this generous gift. I loved very much all of them specially Sreda and Oranienbaum.
A warm hug.
Will there be a Mac-compatible version?
Pure class. Thank you!
Thanks, beautiful fonts!
After selecting download, it takes me to a “Windows Only” edition of the fonts. Does the site not identify the visitor’s OS platform and him/her to the appropriate page for Macintosh versions?
Thank you in advance for your assistance …
.otf en .ttf fonts do also match with OS X. I am a macuser myself
Thanks so much! Great fonts!!
Always love a good resource for free fonts. Thanks so much!
Thanks so much! I’m a Mac user and only had problems with two of the fonts, so it’s a pretty great deal
Beautiful work by the designers …
Just what I need… Thank You…
Not Mac compatible? That’s silly. Macs and PCs can both read the same files…so putting it behind an .exe is simply deleterious.
These are great—thank you! What a nice gift!
the TTF or OTF file for Mocha Script doesn’t exist, I’m trying to find a way to get it created but don’t know font creating programs. If you can help me get it created I would appreciate anyt help you could send by way (I’ve received a lot of interest in that file)
Hello, … some of these actually said OS: Windows 7 … so I skipped.
But these are beautiful fonts and very much appreciate the generous offer! Thank you.
Err… About Mocha – someone has made the .ZIP from the files needed to make up the webpage. So you can’t actually get the font. Shame.
I know 2 other really good font sites. and
Brilliantly chosen! Great stuff! Sad about Mocha, it’s very beautiful
ZnikomitNo25 and Mocha script are simply beautiful. Mocha is $5 on Creative Market now.