December 11, 2024

9 Cool Infographics for Designers

Here at WDL we love infographics and all the helpful data and stylish visuals contained within them. The use of visual design elements can simplify complex information and make it easier to digest. And this is why today we’ve rounded up a collection of infographics for designers. From SEO tips to logo evolution and a Serif vs. Sans battle, we’re sure you’ll find these inforgraphics useful.

On-Page SEO: Anatomy of a Perfectly Optimized Page

9 Cool Infographics for Designers

The Entrepreneurial Mindset

9 Cool Infographics for Designers

How to Woo a Designer

9 Cool Infographics for Designers

Wireframe, Prototype and Simulator Tools

9 Cool Infographics for Designers

Visualizing the School of Design

9 Cool Infographics for Designers

How Corporate Logos Evolve

9 Cool Infographics for Designers

Serif vs. Sans: the final battle

9 Cool Infographics for Designers

Shutterstock: Annual Design Trends 2013 Edition

9 Cool Infographics for Designers

Logo Wars – Battle Of The Brands

9 Cool Infographics for Designers


Gisele Muller loves communication, technology, web, design, movies, gastronomy and creativity. Web writer, portuguese/english translator and co founder of @refilmagem & @mentaway Twitter: @gismullr


  1. Jay Benfield Reply

    I love infographics. Thanks for the post!

    I recently stumbled upon @ which has thousands of them that you can explore, comment on, and embed. I’d ultimately like to have one designed for my company. Any plans to post on infographic design or infographic designers? As a predominately left-brain kind of guy, I don’t have the design chops to make one – but it would be great to have a comprehensive resource of how to go about creating one or finding a qualified designer.

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