December 15, 2024

Bulgaria PHP Conference opens September 25th

A small group of PHP developers organized a gathering just a few years back in Sofia, Bulgaria. This has in turn grown into a unique conference titled PHP Conference Bulgaria with a growing list of attendees.

This autumn the PHP conf in Bulgaria runs from September 25th to the 27th as a full 3-day weekend event. It’s meant to be a cordial meetup of talented folks who want to learn more about the industry, share ideas, talk news, and maybe snag a little grub.

Those who might be interested should check out the list of confirmed speakers. Topics range from launching custom PHP webapps to the use of Zend or Laravel. It feels like the speakers list is practically endless with a wide array of talented developers sharing their knowledge of this exciting three day period.

Bulgaria PHP Conf

PHP Bulgaria opens Friday with a training day of two different tracks. This is more of a workshop segment with trained professionals covering unique tools for PHP developers. Check out the full schedule to see what’s planned for this year’s festivities.

Unfortunately most of these tracks have already been filled up by early bird purchasers. However you can still obtain full conference passes for the Saturday & Sunday lineup of speakers.

But if you’re unable to make it stay up-to-date with the conference’s latest news posts and updates on Twitter @bgphp.

Jake is a creative writer and UI designer by trade. You can follow him on twitter @jakerocheleau or learn more at his personal website

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