July 27, 2024

Craft: A Clean Portfolio WordPress Theme

Last week at Theme Trust, we released our latest in a line of sleek and minimal portfolio WordPress themes. This one is called Craft and it’s perfect for des wanting to show off their work and share their thoughts in a clean presentation. The homepage includes a slideshow for highlighting select projects, a carousel for featured content, and a grid layout for the latest posts. Other features include custom post types and taxonomies for portfolio management, smooth jQuery effects for thumbnails and menus, and custom color control.

At Theme Trust when you buy one theme, you get another free. Just add any two themes to your shopping cart and then enter the code “1free“.

Theme Features

Here’s a run down of all the features packed into this theme.

  • Smooth Intro Animation for Portfolio Thumbnails
  • Slideshow on Home Page and Project Pages
  • Home Page Carousel for Featured Content
  • 3 Built-in Background Textures
  • Custom Options Panel
  • Custom Post Type for Easy Portfolio Management
  • Widget Ready Sidebars
  • Widget Ready Footers
  • Custom Portfolio Taxonomy Template
  • Archive Page Template
  • Author Page Template
  • WordPress 3.0 Custom Menus
  • WordPress 3.0 Custom Background Support
  • Set Your Own Color Scheme
  • Post Thumbnails
  • Built-in Lightbox
  • Smooth Animated jQuery Drop-down Menus
  • Upload a Custom Logo
  • Threaded Comments
  • Twitter Integration
  • Flickr Integration
  • Button Shortcodes

Click the image to view a live demo of Craft.


Henry Jones is a web developer, designer, and entrepreneur with over 14 years of experience. He is the founder of WDL and ThemeTrust.


  1. Andy Reply

    There’s a huge amount of Portfolio themes available for WordPress. Usually over the top and a bit too in your face though – I love this one in comparison! Very clean and subtle, and a logical layout to the design to match.

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