Having creative 404 error page is as important as having good content on your website. Sometimes it might be not your fault visitors landed on the error page, however your role here is to direct visitors back to the home page. It’s like a second chance to re-engage a visitor that was lost. If you still don’t have a 404 error page on your site, you need to think of it.
Here we put together 20 creative examples of creative 404 error pages to impress, inspire and make you smile. 404 page is like a hidden world, you think no one will see, but if someone does, make sure it’s really outstanding.
I’ve make the 404 page for National Geographic Italia, and the idea was to put some content in.
try to refresh to see random 404 …
This is great! I was just reading an article about this earlier! One thing I suggest is that you add a “report a problem” button to basically help notify whoever manages the site to fix potential broken links. Also a view status page would be good! But design wise, the above links look awesome. Thanks for the inspiration.
Awesome 404’s :). Came across this one recently: https://voordekunst.nl/404
Let’s you paint your own art, thought that was quite cool for a crowdfunding website focussed on art, hehe. In dutch though!
Some great ideas. This is ours https://www.hebe.co.uk/404
Great selection! Something that I look from time to time, so thank you for sharing
Great Post Thank you for sharing
Nice collection of 404s! I’ve been using Mailchimp for quite some time now, how come I’ve never seen Freddie all frozen up like that?
Though BlueDaniel beats them all, with its understated humor, clever pop culture winks, and admirable restraint in letting the image speak for itself.
Cool list! Thanks for sharing
Keep it up.
Those are really good examples. Simple & very helpful. I have created a custom 404 page on my site as well, with a simple image & links to home page, a few sidebar links & report issue link to contact form.
I agree with Teelah. Report a problem/issue is a good jesture on the custom 404 page.
We’ve had a few comments from clients and friends that they like the human approach to these types pages. A fun image, some humanizing text, and a sense of humor go a long way in what may be a friction point in customer experience [even if it was the result of a mistyped URL].
We went the undersea route with this one: https://www.faucethead.com/404/
That was really interesting and creative ideas to use for “http error 404 – Not Found”. While ago I’ve designed series of the Error Pages for my personal website. The design of these pages was inspired by the same feel and look of the error pages in Windows 8. Check it out at https://masoudhaghi.com/portfolio/3/web-error-pages—flat-ui-design
Great roundup! I’ve always liked this one: https://www.autolist.com/listings/404
Hi guys, great post. Thought you might like to see a recent 404 page I designed for a Gin Website (you might need to put in your age to see it) https://www.kingofsohodrinks.com/404
So awesome and so creative idea that fits the website