February 7, 2025
Building a Chef Website in Adobe Muse with Assets - Adobe Muse CC - Muse For You

How to Build a Responsive Website in Adobe Muse – FREE 17 Day Course

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmTOd2PFoa8]

How to Build a Responsive Website in Adobe Muse. No Coding Skills Required

 Muse For You - Adobe Muse CC Adobe Muse CC Logo

We’ve seen quite a few changes to Adobe Muse since its initial release in 2012. The initial release focused on adaptive design and scroll effects, and then Adobe Muse evolved to responsive design and breakpoints. We can still use adaptive design and scroll effects but it almost seems hidden in the background of Muse and you need to know where to look to bring back these features.

This lead to a pretty steep learning curve for many users, as most were not familiar with the idea of breakpoints or responsive design. Needless to say, this turned many users away from using Adobe Muse. I had been contemplating myself how I was going to help users get over this learning curve. Most of my videos prior to responsive design and breakpoints were focused on scroll effects and the adaptive design layout of Adobe Muse. I had not even touched the idea of responsive design as users could create different versions of their website on a Desktop, Tablet, and Mobile layout within Adobe Muse. I knew I had to come out with a series of video helping users use the new version of Adobe Muse.

I set out to create a complete course on using the new responsive version of Adobe Muse that incorporated breakpoints. I spent weeks developing the site, and then a few more weeks recording all the videos for the course. The course consists of 17 days of different topics. I organized all the asset files for the course and tried to remove all the guess work by including PDF files on where each element is placed on the website. Throughout the course we cover adding elements to Adobe Muse, responsive breakpoints, testing tools, uploading to a live server, and more.

This course was designed to give users confidence in building a website in Adobe Muse even if they never heard of breakpoints or responsive design.

With all the topics the course takes a total of 17 days to complete. You can complete the course in less days if you decide to do more than 1 topic a day. If you are new to Adobe Muse this is the perfect course for you, and if you are an intermediate user can practice using some of the main points within Adobe Muse.

Here are the topics covered in the course:

  • Introduction
  • Installing Web Fonts
  • Adding Header and Footer
  • Adding Section 1
  • Adding Section 2
  • Adding Section 3
  • Adding Section 4
  • Adding Section 5
  • Adding Section 6 and Grouping
  • Creating a 1-to-1 Breakpoint
  • Adding Tablet Breakpoints and Mobile Menu
  • Adding Mobile Breakpoints
  • Adding Anchor Points to Create a One Page Scrolling Website
  • Adding Search Engine Optimization and Favicon
  • Working with various Testing Tools
  • Uploading Website to a Live Server
  • Summary and Congratulations

This course is completely FREE as I wanted to give users a solid foundation when working in Adobe Muse. With that said Welcome to the Building a A Chef Website in Adobe Muse with Assets. Below is the introduction to the course:

What’s up Muser! Welcome to the Building a Chef Website in Adobe Muse course. This is a 17-day course designed to teach you everything you need to know about Adobe Muse. Within the

“muse-for-you-building-a-chef-website-in-adobe-muse” folder you will find the assets for each day of the course. You will also find a completed version of that particular day in case you need help with a certain section. PDF files are included to let you know exactly where each item is placed within the website. By the end of this course you will be well on your way to building your own website in Adobe Muse. On the Muse For You YouTube Channel you will find a step-by-step video for each day. Let’s get started!

Here is the playlist for the entire course:

https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list= PLBVTh_lteKbjlgsnQRZqdS4-TCWg-9216

For more video tutorials and widgets for Adobe Muse visit https://museforyoushop.com

John is an Adobe Muse ninja who spends most of his time creating Adobe Muse video tutorials and widgets for Adobe Muse. He is the creator of Muse For You. Visit Museforyoushop.com for more Adobe Muse video tutorials and widgets.


  1. Eduardo WB Reply

    That seems awesome! Unfortunately the Youtube link is giving an error of invalid parameneters. Looking forward to watch the course.

  2. NuCitrus Technologies Reply

    Such a nice article on Responsive Website creation. Today’s most demanding service is to create responsive website design and development. The same issue with me that youtube link is not working properly, some parameters goes wrong with sharing content. so keep sharing such nice article.

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