March 17, 2025

HTML5 Sets New Standards for Web Advertisers

Now that Flash is officially dead since Apple and Google have decided to no longer support it, HTML has room to take over. Despite being mostly irrelevant in the web design space, Flash was still seen in the online advertising space. Recently, The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) has published guidelines on an international standard that set the latest specifications following HTML5-based banner advertising.

HTML5 replacing Flash

The change comes as Google AdWords now makes it possible to automatically convert advertisements created using Flash into HTML5. Below is a list of some of the advantages that come with the change from Flash to HTMLs when it comes to ad design and capability.

  • Smaller File Sizes
  • Mobile friendly
  • Advertisers and developers have more options
  • HTML5 banners can be constructed responsively
  • Can use everything from animations, web fonts and complex graphics, even video!

Editor-in-chief for Paulina uses creative intelligence to create everything digital, printable, searchable, minimal, visual and analytical. She has a passion for design and is the founder of UltraArte, a digital marketing & design consultancy. Follow her on Twitter

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