February 7, 2025

iSwift converts Objective-C code over to Swift

Apple’s creation of iOS forced mobile developers to learn the Objective-C programming language which is a superset of C. It’s a fairly verbose language but has been used in OS X development for years.

Recently Apple came out with a replacement language named Swift. It follows a similar base like Objective-C but it’s truly a language all its own.

This means that many instances with Objective-C code will not compile accurately with Swift. Naturally this has caused an issue with developers that would prefer to write their code in Obj-C.

Now there’s an application called iSwift that automates the conversion process. You’ll be able to pass in blocks of Objective-C code and pop out readable & verified Swift code. This will save iOS developers a whole lot of time and stress in the long run.

The iSwift program can be downloaded for free as a trial, but ultimately costs $14 USD for a full license.

If you want to try it out then grab a copy to install or use the online playground to test it out in your browser.

Interested visitors can stay up-to-date with iSwift on Facebook or by following the official Twitter account @iswiftapp.



Jake is a creative writer and UI designer by trade. You can follow him on twitter @jakerocheleau or learn more at his personal website JakeRocheleau.com.

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