February 12, 2025
Muse For You - Gradient Background Widget - Adobe Muse CC 2015.2

Multi-Color Gradients in Adobe Muse

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwEOc4fQXv0]

Add Multi-Color Gradients to your Adobe Muse website. No Coding Skills Required.

Muse For You - Adobe Muse CC Adobe Muse CC Logo

In this tutorial I go over how to add a multi-color gradient to your Adobe Muse website. We will be using the “Gradient Background” widget found at https://museforyoushop.com.

Muse For You - Gradient Background Widget - Adobe Muse CC 2015.2

1. Drag and drop the “Gradient Background” widget onto your Adobe Muse website from the library panel. If you do not see the library panel go to Window—>Library.

2. If you would like to add a gradient to the background of your website type in “html” in the graphic style section.

3. Click on “Drag Gradients” in the widget to visit the “Drag Gradients” website. Here you can create a custom gradient background with as many colors as you’d like. There are also a few presets that you can choose from.

4. Copy the “Drag Gradients” code and paste into the “Gradient Background” widget.

5. Preview page in browser and view the gradient background on your website.

6. If you would like to assign a gradient to an individual element on your Adobe Muse website simply assign a graphic style name to the element via the graphic styles panel, and change the graphic style name in the widget to match the element. This will assign the gradient to that element. This works well with rectangles or circles added using the rectangle tool or ellipse tool in Adobe Muse.

7. Done.

Gradients can add a nice touch to your website. One of my favorite designs is the multi-color gradients used at https://stripe.com. Now with the “Gradient Background” widget you can add a similar effect to your Adobe Muse website.

Watch the video above for a demonstration on how to add multi-color gradients to your Adobe Muse website.

For more video tutorials and widgets for Adobe Muse visit: https://museforyoushop.com.

Happy Musing :).


John is an Adobe Muse ninja who spends most of his time creating Adobe Muse video tutorials and widgets for Adobe Muse. He is the creator of Muse For You. Visit Museforyoushop.com for more Adobe Muse video tutorials and widgets.

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