November 5, 2024

Mybridge curates the Best Learning Tools for Designers & Developers

When first leaping into a new subject there’s often a bit of hesitation. This is natural as humans don’t often like to fail, so it’s tough to get started and pursue something on own our.

Thankfully a new website Mybridge makes the process a whole lot easier.

You can select any subject matter from development, design, or marketing to get a series of highly-voted learning resources. These could include videos or might be text-based tutorials – the point is to mitigate the hardship of searching online for quality educational materials.

mybridge screenshot

Beyond typical categories you’ll also find specific learning tracks. These range from AngularJS to Sketch 3 and even startup development.

Given enough time & dedication you’ll be able to learn any number of skills with the help of these curated resources. Sort through trending submissions, highest-rated links, or even user-created collections.

Mybridge seems to be the ultimate tool in self-learning for technologically-inclined people.

The site does not require an account to browse, although you do get extra features like personal tracks & collections. Plus Mybridge is completely free so there’s no downside to getting started on the site.

Jake is a creative writer and UI designer by trade. You can follow him on twitter @jakerocheleau or learn more at his personal website

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