February 12, 2025

Nibbler Website Testing for Performance and Content Structure

With tools like PageSpeed and YSlow it’s relatively simple to test a website’s technical performance & locate problematic areas. But what about an overall website rating that counts things like domain age, content structure, and marketing techniques?

This all-in-one ranking can be found on Nibbler, a side project developed by Silktide.

Nibbler will pull data from any website including inbound links, titles, headers, and overall content structure. Results are not the end-all statement of your website’s health, but they offer a great starting point to move forward with changes that will improve your site’s behavior.

Web Design Ledger Nibbler score

Ratings are split into 4 categories: Accessibility, Experience, Marketing, and Technology.

So many unique factors contribute to the overall rating that it’s tough to consider which ones are more signifigant than others. The best way to experience Nibbler is to take it for a test run using your own website or a personal website of yours.

To learn more visit the about page for relevant insight towards what makes Nibbler tick.

If you want to push it further then be sure to check out the pro version of Nibbler with added features.


Jake is a creative writer and UI designer by trade. You can follow him on twitter @jakerocheleau or learn more at his personal website JakeRocheleau.com.

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