February 10, 2025

A Directory of Animated Animals with Pure CSS

A brand new website called CSS Animals just launched online. It’s part pet store, part webdev resource, & all-parts awesome(and/or strange).

The site is a growing collection of animals built purely with CSS3 code. Each animal is made up of shapes rendered in the browser + animated using CSS3 transitions or keyframes.

Some examples can be found on sites for free like CodePen, while others have been created as premium resources.

When browsing the site you’ll notice little icons underneath each animal. These correlate to the original source whether it’s from CodePen, Envato Market, or just a general premium resource.

pure CSS animals homepage

At the moment the site is rather bare since it’s completely maintained by Pankaj Taneja. He started the site as a way to practice HTML/CSS and has offered many of his works as premium resources.

While most designers won’t have any need to buy any of these creatures, they’re still fun to look at & examine for the experience.

Jake is a creative writer and UI designer by trade. You can follow him on twitter @jakerocheleau or learn more at his personal website JakeRocheleau.com.

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