February 15, 2025

PyCon UK 2015 Conference opens in Coventry, England

Every year multiple Python-related conferences set up & jam out to talks, training, and lots of group chat sessions. PyCon is the most recognized annual conference running events across a vast array of countries.

Coming up in mid-September we have PyCon UK returning to London in 2015. The conference spans a four-day weekend from Friday the 18th to Monday the 21st.

The goal is to bring together Python lovers of all ages & backgrounds. Experts & newbies alike are welcome to come and join in on the festivities.

PyCon conference 2015 UK

Each day is jam-packed with sessions for training, speaking, and lots of eating. The full event schedule has more details about who will be speaking and where all the cool events are located.

One very interesting presentation is the Career Clinic hosted by Tony Camps. This is perfect for inexperienced Python/Django developers who aren’t sure how to approach the job market.

Since we’re already bumping up against the deadline for PyCon UK, it seems all main event tickets have been sold out. But if you’d want to attend one of the tracks or a single-day traning sessoin you can always look over the registration page for available entry fees.

But unfortunately we don’t all have the luxury of extra time for this kinda stuff. You’re free to keep up with PyCon UK happenings from the official Twitter account @PyConUK. While the US event already ran back in early summer, PyCon releases photos & new updates for next year’s conference details.For info about all the events you can follow the primary PyCon account @pycon.

Jake is a creative writer and UI designer by trade. You can follow him on twitter @jakerocheleau or learn more at his personal website JakeRocheleau.com.

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