September 7, 2024

Stickers: The Highest ROI For Marketing Your Website

When you exist in the digital space, it can be hard to make a connection with your offline target. Especially if you ONLY exist online, and the only way people can find you is by being connected to the web or through word-of-mouth.

As an ecommerce company ourselves, with a lot of ecommerce clients, making the connection between your online business and your offline potential customers is a problem we’ve encountered time and time again. So how do we overcome this barrier? With stickers.

Stickers have a higher ROI than any of your current marketing channels for your ecommerce site. Here’s how:

Low Cost to Produce

The cost of stickers usually depends on your material, your size, and the quantity you order. There are some companies that have no minimum order quantities (like StickerYou!), but most companies require you order at least 250 stickers to start. Most sticker-manufacturing companies also have bulk pricing allowing you to buy more at a lower price per sticker. Meaning, in some cases you can order 1000 stickers for mere cents per sticker.


Easy to Source

There are many, many companies that offer custom sticker printing. Some have added effects like more durable materials, better print quality or custom contour die-cutting. Stickers are a fairly fast item to turn around and require little planning on your part, past quantity, size, shape and material.


Not Just for Kids

Few people can resist a good sticker design. Even adults. Stickers by nature have a viral, collectible quality to them. If you have an attractive sticker design, and they are easily accessible, people will want them. What do we mean by “easily accessible”? Give them away for free at events or in packages. Do not make it too difficult for your clients, customers or fans to get one of your stickers. You want them to take your sticker because once they have your sticker, they become an evangelizer for your brand.

Create a Buzz

Once your customers have your stickers they will stick them up somewhere. It could be on their laptop, water bottle, on a guitar case or a street pole, doesn’t matter. Once they are stuck somewhere they begin gaining impressions. Your sticker with your branding is in plain sight. The more and more people see your sticker the more they are curious about your company. Assuming your web address or other information is on the sticker itself, it should be pretty easy for your new customers to find information about you. Depending on how many stickers you gave out and where, you may find hundreds of people visiting your site, all for the mere cost of few cents per sticker.  Successful companies who have done this: Imgur, Reddit, Smoke’s Poutinerie, Monster Energy Drinks, Feel Your Boobies Organization, to name a few.


We are a sticker printing company ourselves, so we may sound incredibly biased in this recommendation. However we are also an ecommerce company who built our following and customer base from the ground up. We did this with stickers. Today we help thousands of small business clients running ecommerce sites who have found a fun, easy way to drive traffic to their sites- through stickers.



  1. welcomebrand Reply

    I think I may have missed the bit in the article where you actually demonstrate the ROI bit of ROI. There don’t seem to be any stats or figures showing how buying some stickers actually makes any money.

  2. KristinMaijaPeterson Reply

    I agree. Where is the ROI? The article just states that ”successful” companies have used stickers to get lots of visitors to their website. Note the operative word “successful.” These companies who have used stickers as a way to promote themselves offline are ALREADY successful and therefore can afford to spend all they want on stickers. Furthermore, how do you TRACK the number of visitors to these successful company websites as a direct result of their stickers and how much of this “sticker traffic” ends up converting visitors into customers? That’s where the ROI is. Got any data to back THIS up?

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