February 27, 2025

Sword Spark Effect in Photoshop

In this tutorial, we’re going to learn how to add a sword spark effect in Adobe Photoshop.

The Steps (1-6)

1. Open your main image in Photoshop.


2. Source an image of some sparks on a dark background and open this image in Photoshop. Press Cmd/Ctrl + A to select the entire canvas, and go to Edit > Copy, to copy the sparks image to the clipboard. Switch over to your main image and go to Edit > Paste to add the sparks into the image on a new layer.


3. With the sparks selected, go to Edit > Transform > Free Transform to adjust the Size, Rotation and Position of the sparks in relation to where you would like them to appear within your main image.


4. Double-click the sparks layer, give it a name of your choice, and set the Blending Mode to Screen.


5. Create a New Layer and position this layer underneath the sparks layer. Next, select the Brush Tool and choose a large feathered brush with a Hardness of 0%.


6. From the Colour Picker select a yellow/orange similar to the colour of your sparks, and Left-click to start adding the brush effect over your main image. Set the Blending Mode to Soft Light and adjust the Opacity as desired. This effect simulates a glow coming off of the sparks.


Download Adobe Photoshop.

Daniel White is a designer who loves to share his experience, and help aspiring creatives to develop their skills. For more videos like this, Subscribe to his Youtube channel. You can also find him on Twitter and Facebook.

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