February 7, 2025

Tabtics adds Productivity Tips into Chrome

The myriad of Google Chrome extensions can be dizzying to consider. But taken one at a time they’re often rather charming and surprisingly helpful.

A new free extension named Tabtics allows users to see productivity and health tips right in the “new tab” window.

We’re using the Web a lot nowadays and for a lot of people, opening up new tabs is one of the things they do quite often. We should also acknowledge that more and more people have desk jobs and have a difficulty to stay healthy. With Tabtics we want you to get a little heads-up on your health and productivity everytime you open up a new tab. We help you quickly display stats from your wearable – if you like – and will also give you some tailored health & productivity tips or motivational quotes every now and then. All served on unique and beautiful backgrounds.

Each screen offers a little tip related to stretching, exercising, productivity hours, or work completion. It may not be the best choice for most users, however it does provide a really cool interface that’s both dazzling and pragmatic.

Tabtics preview

While it hasn’t been officially released yet, anyone can join the private beta to try it out early.

And to learn more you can always visit the Tabtics website which is full of great info & screenshots.

Jake is a creative writer and UI designer by trade. You can follow him on twitter @jakerocheleau or learn more at his personal website JakeRocheleau.com.

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