March 13, 2025

15 Useful HTML5 Tutorials and Cheat Sheets

HTML5 is giving web designers and developers new capabilities that were things of fantasy with previous versions of HTML. Web pages will now be more semantic with the use of structure specific tags. Visual elements like rounded corners are now built in, and so is the ability to create drag and drop interactivity. Even though HTML5 is not fully supported in major browsers, there are those that are pushing forward and experimenting with its new features. In an effort to encourage you to do the same and to prepare you for the future, we’ve rounded up 15 useful HTML5 tutorials and cheat sheets.


How to Make an HTML5 iPhone App

html5 tutorial

Code a Backwards Compatible, One Page Portfolio with HTML5 and CSS3

html5 tutorial

Design & Code a Cool iPhone App Website in HTML5

html5 tutorial

Coding A HTML 5 Layout From Scratch

html5 tutorial

HTML 5 and CSS 3: The Techniques You’ll Soon Be Using

html5 tutorial

Have a Field Day with HTML5 Forms

html5 tutorial

Designing a blog with html5

html5 tutorial

Touch The Future: Create An Elegant Website With HTML 5 And CSS3

html5 tutorial

Structural Tags in HTML5

html5 tutorial

Coding a CSS3 & HTML5 One-Page Website Template

html5 tutorial

How to Make All Browsers Render HTML5 Mark-up Correctly – Even IE6

html5 tutorial

Cheat Sheets

HTML 5 Cheat Sheet

cheat sheet

HTML 5 Visual Cheat Sheet

cheat sheet

HTML5 Canvas Cheat Sheet

cheat sheet

HTML 5 Pocket Book

html5 tutorial

Henry Jones is a web developer, designer, and entrepreneur with over 14 years of experience. He is the founder of WDL and ThemeTrust.

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  1. Pingback: 10 HTML5 Demos to Make You Forget About Flash | Inspiration


  1. Damian Smith Reply

    Thanks for providing these sites, didn’t realise how much you could actually do with HTML5.

    I’m just trying to learn all the new css3 techniques at them moment, although I’m not 100% on using a lot of them because of browser compatibility etc. But most of my new sites have a bit of drop shadow and rounded corners here and there. I really don’t like using fixes either!

    Which new techniques do you like to use and just try and forget about well IE mainly! Although IE9 is supposed to support pretty much everything!

  2. Chris Mower Reply

    I use some CSS3 techniques on my site, but I haven’t done a whole lot of dabbling into it or HTML5 yet. I appreciate the round-up of these great sites to help me learn it, thanks.

  3. Ian Devlin Reply

    The more posts that are out there promoting HTML5 the better, as some of the posts above show, many people are still unaware what it can offer and that it can be used already.

    It’s also worth checking out HTML5 Laboratory – I would say that as it’s my own site of course.

  4. brillcr Reply

    A Great set of HTML 5 tutorials here. Musn’t forget Mark Pilgrim’ beautifully written HTML 5 masterpiece at I think it’s great that we will soon be able to put more than 1 h1 tag on a page in several ‘sections’ and for it to validate! Yay!

  5. Mianne Reply

    Thank you for this fantastic tutorial. I’m just starting to look into learning HTML 5, and this seems a great place to start.

  6. Cyber Reply

    Well, it will be another 4-5 years before we can establish HTML5 as the default web language and structure, due to Microsoft not allowing IE to support it till version 9, and this only being allowed to be installed in Windows 7. companies still using XP, Many if not most still have not made the descision to upgrade, and if you go round coffee shops, they are all still using XP and IE6. with this background, web sites still need to be constructed to the mass market with the lowest common denominator. We are still needing to construct with browser detection and switch the display or technology accordingly. I for example am building a HTML5 game, that can not be down graded to old browsers because I am extensivly using the Canvas, and will not work on execanvas or flash canvas, but I make the descision to force my users to use an alternative..

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