Whether it’s textures, Photoshop brushes, or icons, we love finding top notch free files and sharing them with our readers. We try to post at least one collection of freebies every week. We do the searching so you don’t have to. This saves you time and helps you focus on what’s important.
This week, we are bringing you elegant fonts for clean design. There are 20 in all and they’re all free. A few require a quick registration, but they’re well worth it.
Nice, thanks for sharing!
Fantastic list featuring elegant fonts for clean design. Thanks for sharing this!
nice fonts
A nice collection of professional looking fonts. They can truly be used for creating business graphics. Thanks for sharing them.
~~ Sarah ~~
Gnuolane is not free. There are several others that are not free either.
Gnuolane Regular is free. Once you follow the link, just scroll down until you see it.
Oh amazing fonts!
I’m a font lover and have a passion for every kind; these will be useful for some projects I’m in at the moment, so thank you for the list!
You saved my time =)
Great round up of very clean and classy fonts.
Sacre Blue is beautiful!
Sacre Blue & Adelle Basic are my favourites. They’re so beautiful, classy and clean.
Thanks for the list.. really helpful especially choosing fonts on a large site.. Nautik font is awesome…
Nice collection, thanks:)
I just wish there was easier ways to put them on the websites as a text. Mabey in the near future it will be better solved.
Great collection, thank u for the list
I’m very happy to see my font ‘mister jun’ is appreciated around the world. Have fun with it and don’t hesitate to send me your works using it
Thanks so much – always great to find new fonts!
Nice collection!
Nice collection of fonts!
Great collection of professional looking fonts.
Thanks for sharing
Good collection, going to try Merge in the next design, that’s exactly what I need
Thanks great collection, download all the free fonts
Wow amazing, i like Sertige Font
These fonts are great. I will be coming back here often to grab something interesting for my projects.
Helps me step up my design game…thanks
XXII Menga is a great one
Really nice fonts. I liked Gnuolane Regular font
Hey, thanks for sharing this list of really impressive free fonts. I cant wait to use them in my designs in the near future, It’s a shame that some of the font families are not completely free…
Ddeja, have you heard about @font-face? Soon enough once its supported by all browsers without the use of hacks etc you will be able to use it in your websites so you can display special text without the need of sIRF or Images to display special font types.
Great list!
Good fonts.
I can’t get the expressway font for free though.
Oups, forget it, I got it (for free).
yum. Free fonts. Thanks for these!
These are great fonts, but filling out an entire form to register to download one is not worth it imo.
Wow, very nice collection.
Which of them support cyrillic?
Great fonts. These are perfect for modern, sleek, very simplistic designs. Thanks.
Well, most of the fonts here aren’t free since you either have to pay for them or become a member somewhere. Nice collection of fonts though.
Thanks. Great fonts.
Too bad they’re not web safe. I’d use them for flyers and cards.
One of my favorite collections so far! Thanks.
Too bad they’re not web safe. I’d use them for flyers and cards.Too bad they’re not web safe. I’d use them for flyers and cards.2
Nice collection, WDL as always
Great collection!
Thanks a lot for sharing
Nice collection, I’m going to grab Adelle Basic… thanks!
I love Sertig the most. Thanks for a list of elegant fonts I can use in the future!
Nice list. Thanks for making it, I’ve been looking for font’s for my new design and this really helped me choose some good ones
Beautiful set, I have download almost all the fonts you have described here.
Thanks for sharing.
beautiful Elegant Fonts thanks
Beautiful font set. Thank you for sharing…