October 17, 2024

3 Essential Design Trends That Make a Difference

It’s not a secret that as designer, in order to get in the tops, you have to meet some criteria. Hard work does pay off  in most of the cases. But in order to make yourself notorious, you keep in mind the following:

Talent is needed.

Why didn’t I become a singer? Because I suck at it. It’s OK to be aware of your talent, but make sure you don’t create false illusions in your head. Check with others when you create something new and don’t get offended when they don’t agree with your ideas. This will teach you how to handle uncomfortable situations created by your clients. This probably doesn’t apply to the big majority of designers, but to the novice ones. You have a gift. Use it accordingly.

Hard work is needed.

There’s no better and more efficient way to polishing your God-given talent, but buy simply working hard. This sets apart mediocre designers from great designers. Working hard doesn’t only mean that you have to work on a design until you collapse of exhaustion, but to help yourself as much as possible. Read books on design, study other designers’ work, find the right tools for time management, and last but not least, take breaks. Everybody needs time to clear their head, and so do you.

Find out what your client wants.

This is a very broad and you might say that it’s also common sense, but nobody ever said that this is simple. In fact, it requires a lot of concentration and open-mindedness toward your client’s likes and dislikes. Never assume that you got everything right, but check again and again. After your clients told you what they want, repeat again everything they said in your own words waiting for confirmation and approval. Avoid questions like “but didn’t I tell you …?” by reassuring yourself that you’ve understood. Keep calm and be patient.

Stay updated with the essential design trends

Talent, hard work, and finding out what your clients want is not enough when you want to be the best. You definitely have to follow WebDesignLedger for daily snippets of inspiration, as well as other design-related blogs. Regarding this subject, we searched the web trying to find what are the essential design trends nowadays. We found quite a few that will better your design considerably. Here are some:

  1. Vintage patterns – Although vintage isn’t a new trend, we cannot deny its actuality. Especially when it comes to packaging, the vintage look is still very sought for even today. Delicate, detailed, and timeless, this is what vintage means. Essential Design Trends
  2. Bold texts – Of course, I’m not talking about the message a text transmits, but the manner you transmit a text through typography. It’s quite self-understood that a bigger, bolder, more legible text will draw anyone’s attention way faster than a small, hard to read one. Choose simple fonts and fatten them up. Take Slack for example:Essential Design Trends
  3. Unstaged photography – Fake laughs while holding a bowl of salad never made me want to go buy a salad for lunch. Unfortunately, photoshopped & staged photos are more common than the natural ones nowadays. I would suggest, though, to use expressive, vivid, spontaneous photos in your projects. You will make your public fall for your designs!Essential Design Trends

We are aware of the fact that there are many, many more Essential Design Trends designers use and we would love to hear from you what works for you. Leave us a comment in the section below, helping out a fellow designer looking for inspiration.

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