March 11, 2025

Bitfountain teaches iOS Development by Building Real Applications

Folks who want to get into programming iOS apps often start with the basics of C/C++ and move onto Objective-C. This delves into the Cocoa programming library for building any type of Apple program.

Another route is Swift which offers a similar programming environment for mobile developers. The only issue is finding the time to actually study and learn.

Bitfountain is the best resource for sitting down and learning pragmatic skills in Swift development. It’s an immersive course which means that students jump right into the fray by coding their own usable applications from scratch.

Bitfountain ios teaching

You can actually see a full list of courses on the dashboard with info regarding what you’ll learn and how the curriculum progresses. These cover everything from the basics of Swift to complex APIs like the iOS notification system.

All lessons are geared towards the latest version(currently iOS 9) and it’s possible to get started with almost no programming knowledge.

To learn more please visit the Bitfountain FAQ page. You can also reach out via the official Facebook group or follow company updates on Twitter @bitfountain_

Jake is a creative writer and UI designer by trade. You can follow him on twitter @jakerocheleau or learn more at his personal website

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