February 6, 2025

Camera+ Releases a Free Version of the Beloved iOS Camera App

Apple users who have been around the block should know about Camera+. It’s a 3rd party iOS app meant to provide an alternative to Cupertino’s default Camera app.

For years it’s been resting in the App Store and over time has pulled in over $100MM profits. But just recently the developers tap tap tap have announced a newer free version. It will include many of the same features, but have others limited to in-app purchases. In the long run it would probably be cheaper to just buy the premium app – but for people who merely want to try it out, this is a great deal.

ios camera plus

You can download the free version now from the iOS App Store. If you enjoy the product and want to upgrade you can always delete the free Camera+ install & replace it with a full paid version for $2.99 USD.

This decision stems from a promotion ran last year by the tap tap tap team. They found out that offering the app for free over a small window of time showed incredible results.

“With the Apple promotion, we definitely were concerned that giving away the full version for free could potentially hurt sales,” explains Casasanta. “We still decided that it would’ve been worth the risk to try it out and when we did, we were pleasantly surprised to find out that it actually helped sales as we got a significant spike during the promotion and afterward.”

It’s hard to say which features will remain of if any new ones will be imposed. But for anyone who’s curious this would be the best time to download Camera+ free and see how it works.


Jake is a creative writer and UI designer by trade. You can follow him on twitter @jakerocheleau or learn more at his personal website JakeRocheleau.com.

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