We talk about negative space quite a bit here on WDL. It can be a very important element in a design, especially in logos. Clever designers can create shapes around and inside the main elements to help reinforce the meaning or message of the logo. When done well, it’s a thing of beauty. I can’t get enough of logos like these. When I come across good ones, I have to share them. So here are some more clever examples of negatives space in logo design.
Henry JonesFebruary 18, 201121 Comments010.7k
Clever Examples of Negative Space in Logo Design
Henry Jones
Henry Jones is a web developer, designer, and entrepreneur with over 14 years of experience. He is the founder of WDL and ThemeTrust.
Really wonder ful collections and inspiration.. Thank you so much 🙂
Very nice examples of logo design, I just really don’t like the texture of Chicos Chicken.
I have to wonder whether all of these are live. While most of them look great, I feel like some of them really fail to explain anything about the company behind the brand. While that is of course not a prerequisite, small brands should not be too creative before they get a certain traction.
Some of these are plain weird, like Empire dentistry that looks like anything but dentistry. Clever, but not smart.
The custom typo treatment for Safari on the other hand is gorgeous.
Is it just me or is the oak bros logo reminicient of holly?
Its amazing how much of a rock of an imagination I have. Great inspiration here! Thank you
very clever indeed, these are all just great ideas and then transformed into great looking logos
ZipHub looks awesome, great solution with just the text 🙂
Hello Henry
You have posted some really great and “clever” logo designs here. I absolutely love logo’s with a great use of negative spaces.
Simple and effective designs.
Thanks for sharing.
Great logos, but you forgot probably the most popular of them all – FedEx.
Brilliant! Thanks for the inspiration on a Friday!
Wow! Dig is definitely my favourite… it’s brilliant! Thanks for sharing
I agree mate,
It is brilliant
You just missed ~$0.10 because you don’t have flattr on your blog – bad luck!
I’d question the eightbones logo. Looks a little like…
But Star Dental is the best of the collection. Clever logos work best when people hit that “aha” moment in experiencing it. Took me a second to see the teeth, but once I did, the shape of teeth and the 2 stars (there are two…) became the larger whole.
cool, but does anyone think the rooster bakery logo, looks a little like the kellogs logo ??
Inspiring examples in this article, thanks!
Dig, Oak Bros and Stardental are definitely my favourite ! All the logos are awesome anyway, but these three really got me. I absolutely agree with you Henry, negative space is great looking and every clever designer of logos should use it at least once. One can be much more creative with negative spacing.
I admire simple logos, some are designed to be talking already. @Berthold got a point though.
simple logos. Thumbs up!
Love the roostar logo!!!
Very clean and compelling designs
Great job by the designers!
Truly inspirational logos.