The team at Designious has put together a special bundle of design goodies. It’s called Design Cocktail and it’s worth $829, but they’re selling it for only $29. That’s an incredible deal, and it’s even more incredible that they’ve given us 10 bundles to give away to our readers. To be eligible to win, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post before November 1, 2010.
Update: The contest has ended and the winners have been selected. Congratulations to the following people! A representative from Designious will contact you and let you know how to get the bundle.
MaryBeth Isaac
Matej Gabris
Craig Paterson
Karen Lowe
Pablo Martinez
Sean Tan
Linda Page
Here’s what’s included in the bundle:
Contest Details
- 10 winnners
- Comment on this post to be eligible
- One comment per person
- Winners randomly selected on November 1, 2010
Good luck to everyone, and remember…there’s only 2 days left to participate in this great deal!
I would like to have one!
In 1fr. edition i buy a pack from Design Bundle now i hope i win :))
what are the chances?!

I’m in, I’d like to win this useful collection.
Count me in. This is an amazing giveaway.
Nice to have one !
Me. Mememememe. Please.
I would like to win! Good Luck to everyone
es un regalo maravilloso
los felicito a todos
nice bundle. i want too.
Would love to have one
It would be nice to have this bundle.
Wow, nice collection.
Love them!
I’m feeling lucky!
sounds like a sweet deal, hope i win
Hi, I’d like to win one.
That would be soooo nice! __O__
I’m looking forward to be the first brazilian to have one! Thanks.
I’d love to win.
Count me in. =)
I would love to be able to get this package of design goodness.
Brilliant work its a really awesome designed
I’d love to get one!
Nice and generous move. Would be nice to get my hands on that pack.
I would like to win this helpful collection!
Count me in !
Thanks for the entry! I’m in.
May be one into Czech Republic?
Wow, this is. So chock full of great stuff I don’t know if I can wait two days to see if I win, I may need to buy it! Thank you!
Surprised there aren’t more comments!
Nice, thanks ^__^
What an amazing price for the software bundle. Good luck to all!
Pick me!
A pretty good bundle!
Oh now you’ve done it.
…would like to win.
The giga pack makes it entirely worth it. Everything else is a bonus!
Here’s the lucky entry
whoa. i will probably buy it anyway, but free would be even better! thanks!
Great giveaway, hope I win.
Wow, fantastic deal! How long will the sale be on for?
I’m in. With a new baby in the house, anything free or won is a huge help!
This would be great to jumpstart my website.
Sounds Rad! Let me at it…
That sounds nice.
Looks awesome, count me in.
I would like to have one, please!
whoa that’s amazing! those who win are some pretty lucky people~
Count me in!
Sweet. Count me in.
me me me
nice bunch of stuff
Please count me in.
Hope i win this fantabulous bundle!
C’mon….. Big Money….. BIG MONEY!!
Pick me!
Wow! Can’t wait.
No Wammys, No Wammys….. Stop!
Me me!
Awesome! I have to win this insanity!
Looks like an awesome bundle to me!
Dude, this would be sweet…
What a great opportunity, thanks!
I hope I can win
Count me in for this amazing giveaway
I would like to win! Good Luck everyone.
Para Bolivia… Scz.
Se agradeceria el regalo
Please pick me.
No! Pick me!
I would really love to have this for free. More power to y’all!
Starting my web design business, would be nice to win
Nice pack, i want
Sweet! Thanks for the giveaway!
want it!
great offer. thx from munich
Alright this is awesome! I’ve never win anything before in such giveaways. Please let it be me this time.
Thanks WDL!
Very cool!
Wow, quite the package. Sounds sweet.
me me me !
That’s for me…!
VERY cool giveaway! wooot!
I could really use something like this, please put my name in the “hat”!
I really love this kind of bundles!
Does anybody actually read these comments? I know I don’t….
Nice! Count me in on this one please
Looks pretty cool and certainly is an incentive to check out your products! I wasn’t familiar with your company.
Woot woot sign me up!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is cool. I’d love to win
The bundle looks great, seems like it could be very useful.
Thanks for arranging this giveaway.
Fantastic would love to win this
Sounds like a nice deal, I’m in!
i would love to get one..
Pick me! (At random)
Hi, I’d like to enjoy this bundle!
Count me in!
I would love to have this set. Then I would have to find out how to use it!! :))
i hope i win!
Great website by the way, i have the premium account here, lot of ussefull things!!
Oooohhhh, i would love to win this package. Thanks for your generosity!
Coool, I try
Pick Me!
great site, just starting out in the business so ell freebies are welcome!!!!
Looks like another great deal from WDL !
With Gratitude! Thank youuuuu!
Amaaazing giveaway! As an illustrator – the photoshop brushes alone would be an awesome win. Yay WDL for the opportunity!
Count me in
oh yes!
Nice! These goodies are looking good!
Me too!
This is sweet deal!
Whoa, nice deal!
Haha gotta love these bundle websites
Would really appreciate this one. Good luck everyone!
Oh snaaappp!
I need help …. in more ways than one, but definitely my web design ability is a sinking ship that never improves. If I win, I hope someone will help me use what I win… web design clueless…
Lindy Abbott
website needing HELP:
Sweet! I’m in!
Hello. I will be for sure be a contest winner. maybe. probably not.
Great bundle and giveaway. Thanks WDL and Designious. My fingers are crossed.
Thanks WDL and Designious. I m waiting for it.
This is an awesome bundle!
I’d like a piece of the action.
Would be nice to see that
Hi. I would like to win.

Thank you.
Count me in plz
Count me in!
Hi, great giveaway please count me in
Give it to me !!!
Cool giveaway, I’m in!
Count me in.
I’m in!
And I’m in as well
Cool stuff! Great opportunity to learn more
Sounds awesome!
Great Deal, Count me in!!!
Thank you so much, Designious!
Great contest! good luck..
Count me in!
Very nice! Count me in.
Awesome deal!
I’m in!
I could sure use the help & I’m sure the
software would a big step in the solution!!!!
Gimmie gimmie gimmie!
I would love to move to wordpress but cannot figure it out.
Sounds good
WOW! As a college instructor in the Web Design department, I would LOVE to explore the possibilities contained in this collection!
Awesome site & great offer! Cheers!
Looks extremely cool! Count me in.
I want to win!
Well, can’t hurt to try. Great offer! = me? I’m also guessing I will be the 8th person.
Can’t wait to win!
Wow, very nice collection.
I gonna have it.
Wow great bundle, I REALLY do hope I win
Awesome giveaway!
I would love to try all these products! Thanks for the opportunity!
Yes please! Excellent bundle!
Commenting right in time!
Hey, I’m in
Keep up the great offers!