July 26, 2024

Echo JS is a User-Voted JavaScript News Community

First there were social sites like Digg and Reddit covering all topics of user-powered news.

Then niche websites popped up like Hacker News and Designer News. This has paved the way for smaller communities to spring up with a focus on certain news topics.

Echo JS is a social community with a direct focus on JavaScript & frontend webdev news. Topics are submitted by the community and the ones with the most votes hit the front page.

Registration is free and your account privileges are granted immediately, unlike similar sites like Designer News.

News can be sorted by top voted, newest submissions, and even random if you’re feeling daring.

Echo JS runs on top of Lamer News which is a Ruby-based Hacker News clone script. This makes it completely open source and easy to manage.

Top news stories from the homepage are also posted on the official Twitter account @echojs. If you’re a big fan of JS then be sure to check it out and sign up to join the community.

Echo JS social news

Jake is a creative writer and UI designer by trade. You can follow him on twitter @jakerocheleau or learn more at his personal website JakeRocheleau.com.

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