February 12, 2025

MangoMap pulls custom Maps for Any Device

Free APIs like Google Maps offer a decent option for developers who need in-page maps. While they work great and most people are familiar with functionality, they don’t typically offer as many custom features right of the box.

Coding your own customized features is a hassle, though an option for advanced devs with extra time. But another option is MangoMap, a service for pulling map data with custom parameters like traffic routes, climates, and even unique color schemes.

The idea of Mango is to offer heavily-customized yet accurate maps based on GIS(Geographic information system) data. Users can embed these maps right into webpages or mobile apps with easy methods for updating content.

MangoMap preview screen

The service is completely free to signup and offers 3 maps to all free accounts. Each paid plan does offer a 30-day free trial, but not many lower-end users will want to pay $100/mo for access to this mapping system.

To learn more about MangoMap check out the help page which covers all the frequently asked questions & issues from users.

Also you can find site news on their official Facebook page, or via Twitter @mangomap.


Jake is a creative writer and UI designer by trade. You can follow him on twitter @jakerocheleau or learn more at his personal website JakeRocheleau.com.

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