February 12, 2025

New Mockup.io version includes iPad Pro frame & Android App Icon Preview

For those unfamiliar with Mockup.io, it’s a visualization tool for showcasing how an application will look in a realistic frame. It’s specifically geared towards teams working collaboratively on mobile applications for iPhone & Android.

Just recently the Mockup.io team released a new version with a couple handy features. One is the additional frame for iPad Pro which was just announced at the latest Apple event in September. iPad Pro frame is already available in Mockup.io for both portrait and landscape mockup orientation. It supports full screen view and original device size view, as well as all the other opportunities Mockup.io provides.

ipad pro mockup screen

The other new feature is the icon preview for Android applications. This was already available for Apple Watch and iOS devices, but was recently added for Android tablets & smartphones.

If you have a few different app icons you can upload all of them to Mockup.io and test how they look in real-world settings. This is the best way to determine which icon most properly suits your application and how it would look on a real device.

Android app icon preview

If you’d be interested check out the Mockup.io plans to see features & pricing. A freelancer can setup 1 account for free and use it continuously as a type of case study before jumping into Mockups as a fully-fledged design tool.

Jake is a creative writer and UI designer by trade. You can follow him on twitter @jakerocheleau or learn more at his personal website JakeRocheleau.com.

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