We all know that JavaScript allows us to do great things when it comes to user interfaces, but with a little imagination and creativity, the same types of effects can be created with only CSS. Here are 13 tutorials that teach you how to push the limits of CSS and make it do things that we’re not accustomed to it doing. You’ll notice that some of these techniques can be very useful, while others are simple for proving it can be done.
Henry JonesMay 18, 201024 Comments07.6k
13 Pure CSS Techniques for Creating JavaScript-like Interactions
Henry Jones
Henry Jones is a web developer, designer, and entrepreneur with over 14 years of experience. He is the founder of WDL and ThemeTrust.
Hi Henry, nice showcase and thanks for including my tutorial here! Much appreciated!
Very nice effect. Hope CSS3 is fully supported in all browsers soon.
If only I could use these. Unfortunately, I still have to support IE6. When will that browser ever die?
Very nice collection, but if you want some more don’t miss Bouncing Navigation (CSS3-Animation Tutorial)!
Ha! CSS3 will definitely rock when it is fully supported.
The potential of the CSS3 is just incredible.
Few weeks ago I published CSS3 Action Framework https://code.google.com/p/css3-action-framework/ and many things that I wrote in JavaScript today can be done with CSS3.
Hey, i saw that, i has something similar in mind. i created (…still working…) on a tool: “class optimizer”, designed to select the classes that you really use out of a framework, the link is below cheers…
CSS3 is really powerful and a lot of jQuery tricks will become obsolete once CSS3 is standardized and supported by all the browsers 🙂
I didn’t like the content slider (even though props to the author for implementing it in such an awesome way) because if the user wants to go to the previous page, then on clicking the back button, the previous slide is being displayed rather than going to the previous page 😐
I didn’t realise how much you could actually do with CSS3!
All I have been using so far is drop shadows and the odd curved corner. It’s a shame really because I do like my sites to be as compliant as possible and usually have the w3c compliance on the bottom of every site, but using these techniques that is no longer possible… although… I found a way to link it so it shows CSS3 compliance results only 🙂
Other downer is the amount of people that will actually be able to view CSS3! Im pretty sure that most people still use IE and IE is poor with CSS3.
Still, some really nice examples of CSS here, really like the Polaroid photo effect, would work well with a lightbox gallery or obviously a CSS version.
Very nice list of effects. CSS is starting to come into its own.
Thanks for the great tips!
Love it! Thanks for sharing.
Dang, I was excited about JQuery. I guess I have to get excited that IE probably owns Javascript and therefore won’t support the CSS that kills it. Hmm, conspiracy?
Thanks for including my two tutorials, “How to Create a Fancy Image Gallery with CSS3” and “Creating a Bubble Coda Style with CSS3.” I am very honored to be included! Great list and Thanks for sharing!
Hi Henry! thank you a lot for the awesome compilation.
Great collection thanks for the round up filled with tutorials and advice.
Thanks for sharing. Some stuff will be pretty useful 🙂
Dude, this is freaking awesome and so useful. Thank you for such a great compilation!
awesome collection of tutorials…
thanks for sharing this wonderful resources…
I’m going to put css polaroid photo gallery in of our clients’ site i’m working on…
thanks for this great idea…
Xcellence IT
Great collection! Can’t wait to use some of those techniques on my websites. Becouse of the JS they are getting heavier and heavier every day…
Thank you one more time.
I would to add the Animated CSS3 Horizontal Menu too.
Exciting times ahead!
You put “CSS Image Switcher” twice, the second time wrongly titling the CSS form hints tut
Very useful stuff. Thx for links!