The ongoing group of free Sketch plugins just got another member with Sketch Measure. The plugin already has over 2,000 stars on GitHub with dozens of separate forks.
Photoshop users don’t have as much of a luxury regarding free plugins, but PS has also been through two decades of iterations to implement features natively. The difference is that many UI/icon designers are moving to Sketch for its ease-of-use and natural tools that feel naturally “made for UI design”.
Sketch Measure is free to download from GitHub and super easy to install. You simply download the plugin and copy the files into your Sketch plugins folder(in Sketch’s menu bar click Plugins > Reveal Plugins Folder).
Keyboard shortcuts will reveal the height/width dimensions of any selected element or layer. This makes pixel-perfect design one step closer to automation.
You’ll find a full list of keyboard shortcuts right on the GitHub page along with screenshots and preview demos.
Sketch Measure is primarily made for UI design but can be useful for anyone who creates things where pixel precision is indispensable.
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