March 13, 2025

Affinity Shall Soon be Available on Windows

Affinity, the popular set of creative apps, shall soon be available for Windows users as well. So far, Affinity apps were available only for Mac users.

As per the official announcement, Affinity have already developed an alpha build of their software that has been running on Windows successfully. As such, in a couple of months from now, we can expect the beta versions to arrive. 

To quote:

With the Windows versions basically being replicas of what we have done on Mac, including 100% file compatibility, it should improve adoption and file sharing ability for everyone in the future. And importantly we’ve done this with an entirely separate team of Windows developers so it’s not compromising progress of the Mac versions (as it happens we’ve got a couple of great updates to Affinity Designer and Affinity Photo for you in the works right now).


You can learn more about this development here. Alternatively, you can follow the forum discussions about Affinity for Windows here.

What do you think of this step by Affinity? Share your views in the comments below.

Sufyan bin Uzayr is a writer, developer, and coffee-lover. He has authored several books and writes for various publications. You can learn more about his work at his website.

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