February 24, 2025

Insight from the Bucharest Dribbble Meetup

A resource site by the name of Creative Tim put together a brief Dribbble Meetup in early September. It seems to have been such a success that the organizer decided to write a blog post on the impressions.

Initial expectations were about 15-20 people but just over 40 people showed! Quite a turnout fo an American portfolio site meetup located in Romania. The event even managed to reel in sponsors including Designmodo, UXeria, and HotJar.

romanian dribbble meetup creative tim

The event had lots of food, drinks, and games. There was even a drawing competition where guests had to draw their partners. The winner walked away with a brand-spankin’ new yo-yo!

dribbble meetup drawings

And just like any great event, there were plenty of speeches. Talk about startups, managing clients, the business-side of design, and even nitty-gritty ideas like how to build icons from scratch(shared by Tea Tomescu).

It seems this Dribbble meetup was a smashing success with lots of interesting! So much so that there’s another design-related meetup in Romania.

While few of us may live in Romania or close enough to attend, this is still a wonderful surprise to see Dribbble designers passionate enough to organize these kinds of events. I certainly hope we see a lot more of these meetups springing across the United States & other western countries.

Bucharest Dribble Meetup
A resource site by the name of Creative Tim put together a brief Dribbble Meetup in early September. It seems to have been such a success that the organizer decided to write a blog post on the impressions.</p> <p>Initial expectations were about 15-20 people but just over 40 people showed! Quite a turnout fo an American portfolio site meetup located in Romania. The event even managed to reel in sponsors including Designmodo, UXeria, and HotJar.


Jake is a creative writer and UI designer by trade. You can follow him on twitter @jakerocheleau or learn more at his personal website JakeRocheleau.com.

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